Chapter 16: Psychological Disorders and their treatments Flashcards
abnormal psychology
the scientific study of psychological disorders
deviance, distress, dysfunction, danger
diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders
leading classification system for psychological disorders in the USA
latest version of the DSM
clinician’s determination that a person’s cluster of symptoms represent a particular disorder
condition in which a person’s symptoms qualify them for 2+ diagnoses
clinical interviews
assessment techniques involving a face to face encounter b/w the clinical and person being tested
analog observation
observation in an artificial laboratory or clinical office
naturalistic observation
observation of individuals in everyday settings
when individuals monitor their own symptoms
clinical tests
devices for gathering information about a person’s psychological functioning
procedures designed to change abnormal functioning to more normal functioning
psychotropic drugs
psychoactive drug taken to exert an effect on the chemical makeup of the brain and nervous system. Thus, these medications are used to treat mental illnesses
medications that act primarily on the brain
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
use of electric shock to trigger a brain seizure in hopes of relieving abnormal functioning
brain surgery often used in hopes of releiving abnormal functioning
prehistoric practice of chipping hole in the skull of a person who was behaving strangely with idea of letting the demons out
surgical practice of cutting the connection b/w frontal lobe and lower centres of the brain
free association
allowing clients to freely talk about whatever they want
when clients encounter a block in their free association or change the subject so as to avoid a potentially painful situation
process through which clients act and feel towards the therapist as they did towards important figures in childhood
reliving of past repressed feelings ad means of settling internal conflicts and overcoming problems
altered state
drugs, alcohol
looking for forbidden impulses, traumas, repression
feelings of inferiority
Horney and Sullivan
interpersonal relations and gender differences
aversion therapy
form of classical conditioning that helps clients to acquire anxiety responses to stimuli that the clients have been finding too attractive
token economy
form of operant conditioning in which participants receive tokens when they display desired behaviours
social skills training
modelling where therapists serve as models and teachers to help clients acquire desired social behaviours
basic irrational assumptions
maladaptive assumptions about oneself’s and one’s world that increase the likelihood of psychological dtysfunctioning
automatic thoughts
specific upsetting thoughts that occur unbidden
cognitive triad
combination of negative thoughts about one’s self, the world, and the future that has been linked to depression
rational-emotive therapy
Albert ellis, helps clients discover and change the irrational assumptions that govern their emotions, behaviours and thinking
cognitive therapy
Aaron beck, help clients recognize and change their dysfunctional thoughts and ways of thinking
unconditional positive regard
therapist’s full and warm acceptance for a client
conditions of worth
perception that persons must meet certain standards in order to gain the love of their parents or other important figures
client-centered therapy
help clients experience unconditional positive regard and look at themselves honestly and acceptingly
individual therapy
the oldest of the modern psychotherapy formats in which therapists see clients alone
group therapy
several clients, similar problems, one therapist same time
self-help group
group w/ similar problems that come together to help and support one another without direct leadership of clinical
family therapy
therapists meet w/ all members of family to change whole family
family systems theory
each family has its own implicit rules, relationship structures and communication patterns that shape the behaviour of individuals
couples therapy
2 ppl in long term relationship
community mental health treatments
treatment programs that emphasize community care, including an emphasis on prevention
therapy outcome studies
research that looks at the effects of various treatments
culture-sensitive therapies
focus largely on unique uses faced by members of a minority group
gender-sensitive therapies
renters on the special pressures of being a woman in western society
succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in certain stages of sleep
manifest content
dreams as experienced, uses symbols to express latent content, combines with day residues
secondary elaboration
the dream as remembered includes attempts to put it in a logical framework
People avoid pubic spaces or situations in which escape might be difficult or help unavailable should panic symptoms develop
Persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses or images that seem to invade a person’s consciousness
Repetitive and rigid behaviours or mental acts that people feel compelled to perform. In order to prevent or reduce anxiety
Acute stress disorder
An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and last less than a month
A mental disorder characterized by disorganized thoughts, lack of contact with reality, and sometimes hallucinations
Loss of contact with reality
Positive symptoms
Schizophrenia symptoms that seem to represent pathological excesses in behaviour, including delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, hallucinations, and inappropriate affect
Blatantly false beliefs that are firmly held despite evidence to the contrary
Loose association or derailment
A common thought disorder of schizophrenia characterized by rapid shifts from one topic to another
Imagined sights, sounds, or other sensory events experienced as if they were real
Negative symptoms
Schizophrenia, symptoms that reflect pathological deficits, including poverty of speech, flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal
Extreme psychomotor symptoms of schizophrenia, including catatonic stupor, catatonic rigidity, and catatonic posturing
Antipsychotic drugs
Medications that help remove the symptoms of schziophrenia
Somatoform disorder
A pattern of physical complaints with largely psychosocial causes, types include conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorders associated with psychological factors, hypochondriasis, and body dysmorphic disorder
Client and therapist use words and acts to overcome the clinet’s pscyhological difficulties
Biological therapy
Use of physical and chemical procedures to overcome psychological disorders
Psychotropic drugs
Drugs that act primarily on the brain
Anti anxiety drugs
Psychotropic drugs that reduce tension and anxiety
Antidepressant drugs
Psychotropic durgs that lift the mood of depressed people
Mood stabilizer drugs
Psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the mood of people suffering from bipolar disorder
Antipsychotic drugs
Psychotropic drugs that help correct grossly confused or distorted thinking
Vagus nerve stimulation
A procedure in which an implanted device sends electrical signals to the brain through the vagus nerve, used to treat sever depression
Transcranial magnetic stimulation:
a procedure in which an electromagnetic. Coil placed on or above a person’s head sends a current into the prefrontal cortex, used to treat severe depression
Deep brain stimulation
A procedure in which implanted electrodes deliver constant low stimulation to a small area of the brain, used to treat severe depression, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy
Relational psychoanalytic therapy
A school of psychodynamic therapy that holds that therapists should form more equal relationships with their clients
Major depressive disorder
A disorder characterized by a depressed mood that is significantly disabling and is not caused by such factors as drugs or a general medical condition
Dysfunction assumptions
hold silent assumptions that imply they are in imminent danger