Chapter 3: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Flashcards
Howard Schultz and Satrbucks Employees
Howard Schultz and the Starbucks corporation is committed to their employees, and offer a variety of benefits that show they are interested in helping develop their people (tuition reimbursement, offer of full health care coverage to part-timers after 3 months of work, etc.)
evaluative statement - your belief about something
cognitive component of attitude
the opinion or belief (thought) segment of an attitude
affective component of attitude
emotional or feelings segment of attitude
behavioral component of attitude
an intention to behave a certain way toward someone or something
cognitive dissonance
tension we feel inside when something we have incompatibility between two or more thoughts or between behaviors and attitudes
the desire to reduce dissonance depends of three factors:
importance of the elements creating dissonance, and the degree of influence we believe we have over the elements, and the rewards of dissonance (high rewards accompanying high dissonance tend to reduce tension inherent in the dissonance)
most powerful moderators of the attitude-behavior relationship?
importance of the attitude, its correspondence to behavior, its accessibility, the presence of social pressures, and whether a person has direct experience with the attitude
job involvement
the degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth
psychological empowerment
employee’s belief in the degree to which they affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and their autonomy at work
organizational committment
the degree to which employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in an organization (those who are committed are less likely to withdraw at work)
perceived organizational support (POS)
degree to which employees believe an organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being
power distance
the degree to which people in a country accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally
employee engagement
an employees involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he or she does (studies show that only 17% to 29% of people are highly engaged in their work)
employee engagement determines which outcomes?
customer satisfaction, more productive, brought in higher profits, and experienced lower levels of turnover and accidents than other business units
is employee engagement distinct?
it suggest that employee engagement predicts important outcomes, but the amassed work to date calls into question how distinct it is from other job attitudes
measures of job satisfaction
1) global rating where you ask “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your job?” 2) the summation of job facets, is more comprehensive and identifies key elements in a job such as the type of work, skills needed, supervision, present pay, promotion opportunities, culture, and relationships with coworkers
* both methods are good and one isn’t more accurate than the other
is job satisfaction influenced by cultural values?
absolutely (see exhibits 3-3 and 3-4)
what factors influence job satisfaction?
job conditions, personality, pay, and corporate social responsibility
job conditions
especially intrinsic nature of the work itself, social interactions, and supervision, are important predictors of job satisfaction and employee well being
core self evaluation (people who believe in their inner worth and basic competence) are more satisfied with their jobs than people with negative CSE’s
does correlate with job satisfaction, and overall happiness for many people, but the effect can be smaller once an individual reaches a standard level of comfortable living
corporate social responsibility
an orgs self-regulated actions to benefit society or the environment beyond what is required by law. Studies show that in companies who have employees who agree with the company’s CRS mission, there is more satisfaction. This association is particularly strong among millennials
Why do all employees not find CSR valuable?
1) not all projects are equally meaningful for every person’s job satisfaction, yet participation for all employees is sometimes expected 2) some orgs require employees to contribute in a prescribed manner 3) CSR measures can seem disconnected from the employee’s actual work, providing no increase in job satisfaction
job performance as it pertains to job satisfaction
a meta analysis of 300 studies shows that happy workers are going to perform better than unhappy workers. individuals with a higher job satisfaction perform better
org citizenship behavior as it pertains to job satisfaction
includes people walking positively about their org., helping others, and going beyond the normal expectations of their jobs. evidence suggests job satisfaction is moderately correlated with OCB; people who are more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to engage in citizenship behavior
why does job satisfaction lead to OCB?
one reason is trust. research in 18 countries suggests that managers reciprocate employees’ OCB with trusting behaviors of their own. individuals who feel that their coworkers support them are also more likely to engage in helpful behaviors than those who have antagonistic coworker relationships
customer satisfaction
satisfied employees and managers appear to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. recent research suggests that employee and customer satisfaction are reciprocally related and that the inward effect of customer satisfaction on employee satisfaction might be stronger that employee-customer relationship
life satisfaction
research in Europe indicated that life satisfaction and job satisfaction are positively correlated, and your attitudes and experiences in life spill over into your job approaches and experiences
dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directed toward leaving the org
dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve conditions
dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve
dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions to worsen
counter-productive work behavior (CWB)
actions that actively damage the organization, including stealing, behaving aggressively toward coworkers, or being late or absent
facts on cwb
generally speaking, job dissatisfaction predicts CWB. people who are not satisfied with their work tend to become frustrated and perform lower (this effect may be more prevalent with males). dissatisfied employees often choose one or more of these specific behaviors due to idiosyncratic factors (one might quit, and another might use work time to surf the internet or take work supplies how for personal use). sometimes CWB is a reaction to perceived unfairness, a way to try to restore an employee’s sense of equity exchange
we find a consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism, but the relationship is moderate to weak
overall, a pattern of lowered job satisfaction is the best predictor of intent to leave. turnover also has a workplace environment connection. if the climate within an employee’s immediate workplace is one of low job satisfaction leading to turnover, there will be a contagion effect. employee embeddedness - connections to the job and community - can help lower the probability of turnover, particularly in collectivist cultures
stock price and satisfcation
stock prices of companies in the high-morale group grew 19.4% compared with 10% for the medium- or low-morale group. despite these figures, many managers aren’t concerned with employee job satisfaction