Chapter 15: Foundations of Organization Structure Flashcards
organizational structure
defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.
key element of org. structure: work specialization
also called the division of labor, describes the degree to which activities in the organization are divided into separate jobs
the essence is to divide a job into several steps, each completed by a separate individual
key element of org. structure: departmentalization
once jobs have been divided through work specialization, they must be grouped so common tasks can be coordinated. the basis by which jobs are grouped is called departmentalization
functions performed - product or service - geography - process: all ways you can departmentalize a job
key element of org. structure: chain of command
is an unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom
refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed
unity command
the idea that subordinates should have only one superior to whom he or she is directly responsible
span of control
describes the number of levels and managers in an organization. the span of control is determined by how many managers and levels there are to an organization. with fewer levels and managers, each level will contain more employees and the employee-manager ratio increases
key element of org. structure: centralization and decentralization
refers to the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization. in centralized organizations, top managers make all the decisions, and lower-level managers merely carry out their directives. in decentralized orgs, decision making is pushed down to the managers closest to the action or to workgroups
key element of org. structure: formalization
the degree to which jobs within an organization are standardized
the degree of formalization can vary widely between industries and organizations
key element of org. structure: boundary spanning
occurs when individuals form relationships with people outside their formally assigned groups
common organizational frameworks and structures: the simply structure
an organizational structure characterized by a low degree of departmentlaization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization
common organizational frameworks and structures: beuracracy
is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, strictly formalized rules and regulations, tasks grouped into units, centrolized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command
weaknesses include obssessive following of rules
functional structure
an organizational structure that groups employees by their similar specialties, roles, or tasks
divisional structure
an organizational structure that groups employees into units by product, service, customer, or geographical market area
the matrix structure
an organizational structure that creates dual lines of authority and combines functional and product departmentalization
virtual structure
a small, core organization that outsources major business functions
team structure
seeks to eliminate the chain of command and replace departments with empowered teams. this structure removes vertical and horizontal boundaries in addition to breaking down external barriers between the company and its customers and suppliers
cicular structure
an organizational structure in which executives are at the center, spreading their vision outward in rings grouped by definition (managers, then speialists, then workers)
mechanistic model
a stucture characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization
organic model
a structure that is flat, uses cross-hiearchical and cross-functional teams, has low formalization, possesses a comprehensive information network, and relies on participative decision making
innovation strategy
a strategy that emphasizes the introduction of major new products and services
cost-minimzation strategy
a strategy that emphasizes tight costs controls, avoidance of unecessary innovation or marketing expenses, and price cutting
imitation strategy
a strategy that seeks to move into new products or new markets only after their viability has already been proven
what are the factors that determine an organization’s size?
it size, technology, environment, and institutions
the way in which an organization transfers its inputs into outputs
forces outside an organization that potentially affect the organization’s structure
cultural factos, especially those factors that might not lead to adaptiv ve consequences, that lead many organizations to have similar structures
major takeaways
you cannot generalize with stuctures - one size does not fit all
people dont select employers randomly, they are attracted to, are selcted by, and stay with organizations that suit their personal characteristics