Chapter 3 Flashcards
What did the Puritans believe in regards to the Anglican Church?
- They agreed wholeheartedly with the Anglican Creed
- believed the Anglican Church must be purified
- felt the old ceremonies and practices were too much like the Roman Catholic Church
What was the most influential religious movement in colonial America?
New England Puritanism
What did Separatists believe?
Believed the whole Church of England was corrupt and that true Christians must separate from it.
What doctrinally sound group wanted to keep the old ceremonies of the Church of England?
Low-Church Anglicans
What group believed that traditions of the Church of England were divinely ordained?
High-Church Anglicans
What group became known as the Congregationalists?
Under the Congregationalists system, what was the doctrine regarding membership- baptized the children of church members-converted/unconverted?
Half-Way Covenant
What polity was a rule by bishops who appointed lower officials?
Episcopal Polity
What polity was a rule by elders elected from amount the people who in turn elect their higher officials?
Presbyterian Polity
What polity was complete political independence of each church?
Congregational Polity
List important fact about the Salim Witch Trials from your book.
- resulted form claims by several young girls that witches were afflicting them
- only those who maintained innocence were executed
- at least 22 people died
What was the first non-Anglican religious group to settle in America?
The Pilgrim of Plymouth
What allowed the baptism of the children of unconverted parent?
Half-Way Covenant
Who was an Anglican promoter of missions?
Thomas Bray
Who helped to found William and Mary College?
James Blair
Who practiced baptism by immersion of professing believers only?
Baptists a.k.a Dunkers
Who was the founder of the Quakers?
George Fox
What group believed in guidance by an “Inner Light”?
The Congregationalists and the Baptists had different beliefs about what issue?
Where did most America Lutherans come from?
Who was the Father of American Lutheranism?
Henry Mühlenburg
Where did the Huguenots come from?
What was the largest Anabaptist group in America?
What www the most important Pietist group in America?
Which group rejected modern ways and desired little contact with outsiders?
Anna Baptists
Who was a minister to the Algonquin Indians?
John Elliot
Who was the missionary to the Indians who wrote an inspirational journal?
David Brainerd