Chapter 18 Pt. 2 Flashcards
a popular reform took place during Taft’s administration?
Joseph Cannon
Who was the main crusaders for women’s suffrage?
Susan B. Anthony
Who was a leading socialist?
Eugene Debbs
Who was the advocate of Progressive education and secular humanism?
John Dewey
Was the black cofounder of NAACP?
W.E.B Du Bois
Who was considered laboratory of democracy?
Robert La Follette
Who was the advocate for social gospel?
Walter Rauschenbusch
Who was a baseball player, preacher; urban evangelistic campaign (preacher travels)?
Billy Sunday
The defense guy of Orthodox Christianity?
Benjamin Warfield
A conservative black, who came up out of slavery?
Booker T. Washington
What is the preservation of natural resources?
What is investing American money into foreign countries to influence foreign attacks; under Taft’s influence?
Dollar Diplomacy
What is government control of utilities?
Gas and water socialism
The process in which voters initiative legislation?
Darwinism evolution+ Christianity= a system of belief that was completely anti-Christian. Viewed the Bible as Church evolutionist views, not God’s Word.
The movement for the early 20th century that favored achieving political and social reform through education, wider political participation, and direct government action.
Banning sale and manufacture of alcohol
What denies the existence of God and affirms the goodness and perfectibility of man?
Secular Humanism
Separation of races?
Applied its social reform ethic to religion; replaced regelation of individuals with “regeneration” of society through social reform.
Social Gospel
Essay #1: cite reasons why Prohibition received widespread support of the progressive movement.
- Large groups of Christian leaders liked it, because they denounced alcohol as sinful
- Businessmen saw it as a means of increasing production by eliminating worker absences and accidents due to drunkenness
- After WWI the country was low on agricultural supplies and didn’t fell like wasting it on alcohol
Essay #2 explain some positive and negative effects of the progressive movement.
-Americans enjoyed purer food and drugs, better gas and water
-Americans had more power in the political process
-Increase in federal governments power
-Most Progressives thought man was inherently right and could be improved
-Progressives suggested false solutions to man’s problems