Chapter 13 Flashcards
What blocked the passing of the Wilmot Proviso into law?
The senators (specifically the southern) always kept rejecting or voting against it
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
An amendment that the United States prohibit slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico
What did the Calhoun Resolutions say about slavery?
Slavery could not be banned in the territories until a territory became a state
By the 1850’s what percent of the American population owned slaves?
What was the greatest spur to the American settlement of California?
California Gold Rush
Why did the south resist the admission of California as a state?
The admission if California would upset the balance between slave and free state in senate, and the south could lose its power in the senate
List the provisions of the compromise of 1850.
- California be admitted as a free state
- The slave trade (not slavery) be abolished in the District of Columbia
- A federally enforced fugitive slave act, which would put the government solidly behind the return of runaway slaves
- The protection of slavery in the District of Columbia
- The new territories of New Mexico and Utah be organized without reference to or restrictions on slavery
Which provision actually worsened the tensions between the North and the South?
Fugitive Slave Law
According to Daniel Webster , why was the debate over slavery in the new territories needless?
The new territories conditions could not support a slave economy anyway.
What was probably the most affective propaganda tool for abolition?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Give an approximate number of slaves that escaped via the Underground Railroad.
What was the purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Douglas wanted to win Southern support for his railroad, and to ensure that the transcontinental railroad would benefit Illinois.
What party became the real successor to the Whig Party?
Who was responsible for “Bleeding Kansas”?
slave owners (proslavery) vs abolitionists (anti-slavery)
What was the source of the Sack of Lawrence? What happened, who/what was responsible?
Ruffians who were proslavery, sacked the town of Lawrence, and practically destroyed everything. One man was killed because of a collapsed building.
What did the Chief Justice Roger Taney say regarding slaves or free blacks as citizens? What court case revealed the Supreme Court could not provide a solution to the problem?
The constitution did not recognize leaves or free blacks as citizens. In the Dred-Scott vs Sanford they didn’t find a solution.
What is the basic position of the Freeport Doctrine?
A territory could still prohibit slavery by refusing to adopt laws establishing and protecting it
According to Lincoln what was at the heart of his debate with Douglas?
It was immoral
True or False: Abraham Lincoln believed Congress should abolish slavery in the South.
Who is the Representative of SouthCarolina, who beat representative summer with a cane in the Senate Chamber?
Preston Brooks
Who was a fanatic abolitionist from Connecticut who was responsible for the Pottawatomie Massacre?
John Brown
Who was the last democratic and procompromising president?
James Buchanan
Who was the senator of Illinois, and one of the major proponents of popular sovereignty?
Stephen Douglas
Who was the 1st Republican candidate for president, who’s nickname was “Pathfinder of the West”, and a hero of the Mexican War?
John C Fremont
Who was a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who believed the Constitution did not recognize slaves or free blacks as citizens?
Roger Taney
Who were the 1st wave of gold hunters that came to California in 1849?
The forty niners
Who were those that favored keeping slavery where it already existed, but opposed its extension into territories?
What was the free-soilers slogan?
“free soil, free speech, free labor, free men”
Who were radical southerners who advocated the south leaving the union in order to preserve souther way of life?
Fire eaters
Who believed abolishing immigrants, especially Catholic?
What was popular sovereignty?
A belief that each territory cam decide on the status of slavery within its boundary.
Who was the ant-slavery party/pro-business party?