Chapter 18 Pt. 1 Flashcards
What was the goal of the city manager form of government?
The city council hired a qualified city manager who served as the administrator of the city governments
What measures further directed democracy?
Referendum, Recall, Direct Primaries, and Secret Ballot
What is the popular term for breaking up monopolies?
Why did the progressives support Prohibiton?
Progressives naturally concluded that eliminating liquor would reduce crime and poverty
What term referred to progressive writers who exposed abuse and corruption?
What theme did Theodore Roosevelt adopt during his first campaign?
Square Deal
What was the subject of “The Jungle”?
The filthy conditions of the Chicago’s meat planking plants
What was most significant about the coal miners’ strike in 1902?
This act was the first instance in which federal government interfered in a labor dispute/businesses
What term was applied to laws in the South that segregated the races?
Jim Crow Laws
List the causes that Theodore Roosevelt crusaded for.
- Progressivism
- Muckrakers
- Trustbusting
- Panama Canal
- National Parks
- Gradual Philippine Independence
Why were American leaders afraid to grant the Philippine inference too quickly?
They were afraid they might fall prey to another power such as Japan
What phrase is most closely associated with the Roosevelt Corollary?
Monroe Doctrine
Which American action was least popular in Japan?
Treaty of Canon
What popular reform took place during Taft’s administration?
Joseph Canon
What action resulted in a final split between Taft and Roosevelt?
Antitrust proceedings
What progressive ran a platform called “ New Nationalism” in 1912?
Theodore Roosevelt
Why did Congress pass it’s first income tax in 1913?
Income tax would provide the government with funds to initiative reforms and provide the expanded social services. The more money you made the higher the taxes
What reform measure has been called the “ Magna Carta” of labor?
Clayton anti-trust act
Who perfected the assembly line method of production?
What was the most significant agricultural advance during the Progressive Era?
True or False: “Gas and water socialism” favored government ownership of nearly all business.
False; they supported limited government ownership
True or False: Women’s suffrage was an issue long before the progressives began to crusade for it.
True or False: The Pure Food and Drug Act proved to be a wasteful, ineffective form of government intervention.
False; they unquestionable aided the public
True or False: by requiring literacy tests, Southern States deprived many blacks of their right to vote.
True or False: Taft initiated more antitrust suits and set aside more public lands that Roosevelt.
True or False: the first income tax was an unfair burden to the poor
True or False: the era from 1898 to 1914 was a boom time for American agricultural.
True or False: the progressive movement opposed the growth of the federal government.
False; they wanted everything to advance