Chapter 15 Flashcards
For what alleged reason was Andrew Johnson impeached?
He dismissed a radical secretary of war
Which president generally supported Lincoln’s plans for Reconstruction?
Andrew Jackson
List the provisions of the military Reconstruction Act.
- The south was divided in 5 military districts
- Each state had to pass the 14th amendments
- Write a new constitution granting universal male suffrage regarding race.
List the positive contributions of Radical government in the South?
- Caused the disfranchisement of southern whites
- Organized public school systems
- Rebuilt transportation
After the war what did Robert E. lee do?
Became president of Washington college
Why did sharecropping become common in the south during the Reconstruction??
The south couldn’t supply sufficient funds to pay wages
What was the most severe depression in the first 100 years of America’s history?
Panic of 73
What extremist group opposed Radical Reconstruction and sought to prevent blacks from voting during reconstruction?
Klu klux Klan
True or False: President Johnson was not removed from the office because Congress was 1 vote short of the 2/3 majority.
Which scandal involved a groups criminal use of funds intended for railroad construction?
Credit Mobilier Scandal
True or False:The Republicans heavy handed effort to control the South created a powerful block of voters who would support and agree with them for almost a century.
False; their heavy handed way to opposing the South caused others to disagree with them
True or False:The radicals agreed with Lincoln concerning the percentage of Southern white males who should take the oath of allegiance before a state was the readmitted to the Union.
False; they didn’t agree with Lincoln
True or False:The hardships of Reconstruction forced the South to produce staples, such as wheat and rice, rather than cash crops, such as cotton and tobacco.
False; they needed cash crops
Who were northern radicals who moved to the South?
What is the denial of the right to vote?
Who were Southerners who supported radicals and were friends with carpetbaggers?
What was the method for freed slaves to farm the land without cash?
True or False: The radicals didn’t agree with Lincoln concerning the percentage of Southern white males who should take the oath of allegiance before a state was readmitted to the Union.
What is political corruption?
What is paper money that wasn’t backed by gold or silver?
What does it mean to not be backed by gold or silver?
If the government folded papermoney would be worthless
What is Indictment of a political official by Congress?
Who were Northern Republicans who opposed the radicals in 1872?
Liberal Republican
Who enacted universal manhood suffrage; organized public school systems and rebuilt roads?
Radical governments in the South
True or False:Early in Reconstruction Radical Republicans gained control of state governments in the South by accepting the votes of anyone even the former Confederates.
False; the didn’t want the Confederates to vote or the southern majority to win
True or False: The Republicans heavy handed effort to control the South caused others to opposed to disagree with them.
Who were Southerns who wanted to restore white majority rule?
What was passed by president Johnson’s Reconstruction States immediately after the war; attempt to regulate the conduct of former slaves?
Black Codes
- caused division of the South into 5 military districts
- imposed military occupation on the South
- required each state to write a new constitution providing for universal male suffrage regardless of race and to pass the 14th amendment
Military Reconstruction Act
What was Lincoln’s attempt to reestablish civilian government in the South by appointing military governors for each state?
Ten percent plan
Infamous support of the Democratic Party in the former confederacy?
“The Solid South”
What required 50% of voted of a southern states, had to take a loyalty oath! and permitted by only non-Confederates to vote for a new state constitution.
Wade-Davis Bill
What eliminated the last trace of slavery in the border states and climates the work of abolition begun by the Emancipation proclamation?
13th amendment
What granted freed men full citizenship in both the US and the states in which they lived, prohibited all former confederate leaders from holding any office unless first approved by a 2/3 majority of the House and Senate, guarantee the rights of all citizens?
14th amendment
What gave black males the same voting rights?
15th amendments
National governments attempting to rebuilding the South following the civil war?
What protected cabinet members form being fired?
Tenure of office act
Government designed to help freed slaves.
Freedman’s Bureau
What was the agreement to remove federal troops from the South?
Compromise of 1877
In what scandal did Fisk and Gould participate?
manipulating the price of gold
Why was Tammanu Hall allowed to continuer it’s corruption?
Democratic leaders needed it’s help for votes
What is meant by “waving the bloody shirt”?
The democrats are to blame for the civil war
What did the Republicans offer Southern Democrats in return for their support in electing Rutherford B. Haynes as president?
Removal of federal troops from the South