Chapter 3 Flashcards
A system of moral principals and standards that protect participants and researchers.
The associations responsible for guiding ethical research
American Psychological Association and Canadian Psychological Association
How does validity and ethics intertwine?
Ensures that participants don’t feel coerced or unsafe during the experiment. When a participant feels unsafe or coerced they might change their responses.
What were the first five ethical considerations in scientific research? (post Nuremberg code)
- Consent must be voluntary, and they can withdraw at any time
- Inform participants about study’s purpose and potential risks
- all unnecessary risks should be avoided
- Should yield results that benefit society
- only qualified scientists can do research
An ethics code that provides the foundation for U.S. federal regulations for conducting research on humans that was created after the Tuskegee Syphilis study.
Belmont report
A study conducted by the U.S. government on black men with advanced syphilis, but they refrained from giving them the cure. Many individuals died.
Tuskegee Syphilis study
Three prinicpals of ethics as identified by the Belmont report
respect for persons, beneficence, and justice
Belmont Report guidelines purpose
Obtaining consent, assessing risks and benefits for participants, and fairly selecting participants
Current code for U.S. federal ethics and criteria for experiments on human subjects
Common Rule
What is considered human subjects research
Any experiment that involves intervention, interaction, gathering of private information or the potential to identify an individual from the information on a living person
APA ethics code
general ethical prinicples and standards for psychologists
General principals of APA ethics code
Beneficence and nonmaleficence, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect
The principal of not causing harm and benefiting those they experiment on
beneficence and nonmaleficence
behaving in a trustworthy manner
adhering to profesional codes of conduct and not exploiting people
psychologists should be honest and truthful. No fraud
the benefits of their research should be available to everyone and treat all fairly
understand and practice privacy, confidentiality, rights, and self-determination
An independent institutional committee that evaluates whether proposed research with humans are within federal regulations
Institutional Review Board