Chapter 3 Flashcards
pocket of purulent (containing pus) exudate
acute gastritis
inflammation in the gastric mucosa most often caused by the ingestion or irritants such as aspirin, alcohol, or certain microorganisms, typically occurs over a short period and is considered reversible when the causative agent is removed
acute phase reactants
- inflammation markers, plasma proteins increased
acute pancreatitis
may occur when there is an injury to the acinar cells, pancreatic duct, or protective digestive feedback mechanisms in the exocrine pancreas
acute sinusitis
inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses lasting 4 to 8 weeks
fibrous connections between serous cavities and nearby tissues, which do not allow surrounding tissues to move freely, abdominal surgery presents an increased risk, restrict free movement of the organ and cause pain and loss of organ function
generation of new blood vessels at the site
debilitating fixation of a joint from extensive fibrosis
arachidonic acid
substance derived from the plasma membrane of an injured cell, which generates various inflammatory mediators through a complex chemical conversion (prostaglandins, lipoxins, leukotrienes, thromboxane
degeneration or inflammation of the joints and refers to a group of diseases of varying pathogenesis
occurs when the immune system identifies self-cells as “foreign” and attacks these cells
basement membrane
noncellular sheet that separates the vessel from the tissues of the body
type of WBC, also contains granules, complements the actions of mast cells; important in establishing allergic reactions
cardinal signs
- local manifestations of acute inflammation
cellular adherence
attraction and binding, essential step for effective phagocytosis, regulated inflammatory mediators, specifically, chemotactic factors released by endothelial cells, receptors that bind leukocytes to the surface of endothelial cells near the site of injury
cellular response
alert the products of healing to attend to the site of injury
chemotactic factors
activated and attract specific types of cells (neutrophil chemotactic factor attracts neutrophils, eosinophil chemotactic factor attracts eosinophils)
process of moving certain cells to the injury site
chronic gastritis
related to an unrelenting injury, such as with chronic infection or autoimmunity
chronic pancreatitis
ongoing inflammatory process of the pancreas, characterized by irreversible cellular and tissue changes, impact on both the endocrine and exocrine functions
chronic sinusitis
persistent low-grade inflammation of the paranasal sinuses lasting over 12 weeks with or without flares of acute sinusitis, can occur with or without nasal polyps, as a result of allergies, or with fungal infection
protein secreted by collagen fibers, helps to fill in gaps left after the removal of damaged tissues, excess production leads to tissue fibrosis and can result in scarring
areas of thick, shortened, and rigid tissue, leading to loss of elasticity and tissue rigidity
Crohn Disease
chronic inflammatory process in the small intestine, recurrent and characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory process
cell proteins most often found within WBCs that have a vital role in regulating inflammation; active from the onset of vasodilation and increased vascular permeability to the resolution of the inflammatory response, each is released from a specific cell and serves a specific purpose
- process of mechanically removing debris, including necrotic tissue, from the wound
deep partial thickness burn
aka second-degree burns, damage the epidermis and penetrate the dermis, epidermis and dermis separate and fluid accumulates between these layers and blisters form
process by which mast cells break apart and release inflammatory mediators in the form of extracellular granules
problem of deficient scar formation, wound splits or bursts open, often at a suture line
cells can move between and through endothelial junctions
cells mature and become more specialized
to widen
vague epigastric discomfort associated with nausea and heartburn
contained within elastic fibers, allows stretching and recoil of tissue, resistance to damage but is slow and difficult to replace
endothelial cells
form a tight junction within the inner lining of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels, connected to the basement membrane
epithelial cells
layer of cells that line the surface of organs, usually tightly packed
epithelioid cells
gather and contain smaller substances forming a wall, or fibrotic granuloma, around affected area
thick, coagulated crust, must be surgically removed to prevent extensive microorganism growth
extracellular matrix
layers of architectural structures that support the cells
layer of watery fluid, accumulates at the site of injury and has a high protein and leukocyte concentration
cells that produce and replace the connective tissue layer, stimulated by macrophages, move into area to support the constructive phase of wound healing, actively make and secrete collagen
abnormal passageway that forms between two segments of bowel or other epithelial tissue
state where tissue readily bleeds
full thickness burns
aka third-degree burns, damage the epidermis and dermis and can penetrate subcutaneous layers, destruction of blood vessels, extensive loss of elastin, replacement of skin cells with collagen, and invasion by microorganisms
refers to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, or gastric mucosa, thereby impairing gastric function, can be acute and chronic
giant cells
phagocytes that can engulf particles much larger than the typical macrophage
regulate cell movement across the matrix, provide a place for attachment of the cells to the matrix, and prompt the cells to function
granulation tissue
connective tissue characterized by extensive macrophages and fibroblasts, and the promotion of angiogenesis, extensive network of capillaries
nodular inflammatory lesions that encase harmful substances, regulated by macrophages, typically form when the injury is too difficult to control by the usual inflammatory and immune mechanisms, such as with foreign bodies or certain microorganisms
vomiting blood
stopping of blood flow to form a clot
reduced ability to smell and detect odors
immune response
specific defense depending on the type of invader
invasion by microorganisms
inflammatory bowel disease
chronic inflammatory processes most commonly in the small intestine and large intestine, but can occur anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus
inflammatory mediators
facilitate the process of widening and loosening the blood vessels at the site of injury, located in the blood plasma and in many cells, including platelets, mast cells, PMNs, basophils, neutrophils, endothelial cells, monocytes, and macrophages
any form of damage or alteration to cells of tissues
hypertrophic scars resulting from excessive collagen production at the injury site, occur with higher frequency in those with deeply pigmented skin, and those ages 10-30
labile cells
cells that constantly regenerate through mitosis, particularly epithelial cells of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and blood cells in the bone marrow
elevation in WBCs, or leukocytes, with a count usually above 10,000/mm3
enlargement and inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes, can occur as a function of filtering or draining harmful substances at the injury site
mast cell
inflammatory mediator, leukocytes housed throughout the connective tissues of the body and near all blood vessels, responsible for the production and immediate release of inflammatory mediators (histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins)
cytokine released from monocytes or macrophages
hidden blood in the stool that is not visible with the naked eye
tiny channels that provide outflow of drainage and prevent the backflow and contamination of the sinuses
refers to inflammation of the pancreas, resulting in destruction of the pancreas by pancreatic enzymes, can be both acute and chronic
granulation tissue that forms over the inflamed synovium and cartilage as a result of accelerated angiogenesis, filled with synovial cells, separates the cartilage from synovium, thereby depriving the cartilage of nutrients
functional tissue made up of cells with a specific function (such as neurons, myocardial cells, and epithelial cells)
passage of oxygenated blood
permanent cells
do not undergo mitosis and are unable to regenerate such as neurons, cardiac myocytes, and lens of the eye, when damaged, the functional tissue is replaced with connective tissue
loosens to allows cells to easily move through, penetrated
pernicious anemia
impaired DNA synthesis in RBCs leads to marked decrease in RBCs and low hemoglobin levels
platelet-activating factor
potent inflammatory mediator that has a key role in promoting vessel vasodilation, clotting, and attracting infection-fighting WBCs to the injury site
primary intention
wound is basically closed with all areas of the wound connecting and healing simultaneously, risk for infection is reduced, and scarring is minimal, wound with approximated edges
growth and reproduction
enzymes that destroy elastin and other tissue components, help to break down dead tissue, ongoing tissue destruction at and surrounding the site of persistent injury
provisional matrix
temporary matrix that promotes healing by decreasing blood and fluid loss at the site and attracting and supporting fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and epidermal (skin) cells
fever (elevated core body temperature)
movement of epithelial cells to form a covering over the wound
process of reformation of parenchymal tissues, which can only occur in those cells that undergo mitotic division
production of scar tissue in extensive wounds and when regeneration is not possible
healing in response to mild injury with minimal disruption to cells, such as with a small superficial scratch or mild sunburn
Rheumatoid Arthritis
systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation and hyperplasia of the synovial membranes with increased synovial exudate, leading to swelling and thickening of the synovial membranes, joint erosion, and pain
secondary intention
wounds that heal from the bottom up, process is much slower and more involved, results in a greater risk for infection and scarring, wound with separated edges
bacterial infection of the blood, and subsequent septic shock
inflammatory mediator found in platelets, causes vasodilation and increased vascular permeability, allowing healing cells to arrive quickly to the injury site
serous exudate
clear fluid that seep out of the tissues
state of inadequate perfusion to peripheral tissues
aka rhinosinusitis, refers to symptomatic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and naval cavity, can be either acute or chronic
stable cells
cells that multiply only when needed, stop regenerating when growth is complete but can resume regeneration of injured
superficial partial thickness burns
aka first-degree burns, damage the epidermis, do not result in cell necrosis or scarring
protective clot and subsequent scab, forms a physical barrier to prevent additional harmful substances from entering the wound
ulcerative colitis
chronic inflammatory condition of the colon, found exclusively in the large intestine and does not affect other areas of the gastrointestinal tract, most often affects the mucosal layer but can extend into the submucosa
circumcised, open, craterlike lesion of the skin or mucous membrane, necrotic and open to further invasion of microorganisms, often resistant to healing because of lack of perfusion to the sit or persistent habitation by microorganisms
vascular response
increase blood flow to the site of an injury