Chapter 18 Flashcards
Acute Tubular Necrosis
epithelial cells that indicate shedding tubular cells
Ampullary Cancer
pancreatic neoplasm that arises from the ampulla of vater (hepatopancreatic ampulla)
Anal Canal
most terminal part of the lower GI tract/large intestine
opening to the body’s exterior leading from the anal canal
absent urine production
trapped fecal material in the appendix
tube shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine
Arteriovenous Fistula
blood accessed by the surgical attachment of an artery to a vein
Arteriovenous Shunt
obtaining access to the blood supply, graft
listening with a stethoscope
Bladder Training
learning to hold urine for increasing intervals
Bowel Obstruction
due to space occupying lesion, which blocks the intestinal human, either partially or totally
Bower Resection
removal of the portion of the large intestine
Burch Procedure
bladder and urethra are returned to their normal position, promoting increase voluntary control of urine
structures consisting of a protein meshwork of entrapped cells formed in the distal tubules and collecting ducts
pouch like structure the appendix attaches to
semiliquid mixture of partially digested food formed in the small intestine
largest segment that is subdivided into the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid portions
establishment of an artificial opening of the large intestine externally on the abdomen
absence of bowel movement
Costovertebral Angle
flank area
Countercurrent Exchanger
additional capillaries, vasa recta, surround the loop of Henle deep within the medulla, have an important role in concentrating urine through exchange of water and solutes from filtrate flowing in the opposite direction of the blood
Countercurrent Mechanism
involves the countercurrent exchanger and countercurrent multiplier, and it is responsible for maintaining the vertical gradient in the interstitium
Countercurrent Multiplier
fluid moves down the loop of hence where it is progressively more concentrated
elimination of stool
Defecation Reflex
movement of stool into the rectum stimulates the reflex to defecate
Detrusor Muscle
smooth muscle the body of the bladder is composed of
loose, water stool at least 3 times a day
more than one small sac or pouch
Diverticular Disease
Diverticula develop in the lining of the large intestine; affects the large intestine, decreased mobility, obstruction, and impaired perfusion
Fecal matter caught n sacs that may promote the development of inflammation
presence of diverticula
small sac or pouch in weak parts of the digestive system
Enteric Nervous System
intrinsic nervous system of the GI tract
pediatric urinary incontinence
elimination fo stool
External Anal Sphincter
skeletal muscle that allows for voluntary release of urine
Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
most common procedure for kidney stone removal
fecal matter this is discharged
blood entering the glomerular capillaries via the afferent arteriole is filtered with the resulting fluid
gas passed through the anus
obviously present
needing the urinate many times during the day
Function Fecal Incontinence
encopresis or soiling; condition of repetitive, voluntary, passage of stool in inappropriate places in children 4 years or older
Functional Incontinence
characterized by normal bladder control coupled with an impaired ability to transport to toilet facilities
Functional Nonretentive Fecal Incontinence
caused by nonorganic factors
Functional Retentive Fecal Incontinence
caused by constipation
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Rate of filtrate formation as blood passed through the glomerulus and used to measure how well the kidneys are functioning
capillary network in kidney
Guaic Test
placing small amount of stool sample on a collection card and applying a chemical solution to see a color change indicating blood
blood in the urine
special filter through the process of diffusion, osmosis, and ultrafiltration to removed wastes that the kidneys no longer can remove on their own
swollen veins in your lower rectum
anticoagulant used during dialysis to prevent clot formation during a procedure
increased hydrostatic pressure extends up to the renal pelvis and tubules
accumulation of fluid in the urinary ureter
involuntary urine leakage
Internal Anal Sphincter
smooth muscle located at the distal extremity of the GI tract, involuntary
Internal Urethral Sphincter
composed of a rind of circular smooth muscle; regulates urine flow from bladder to urethra
Intestinal Flora
remaining fecal matter combines with intestinal mucus and resident bacteria
Large Intestine
hollow organ beginning at the end of the ileum of the small intestine and terminating at the anus
Macroscopic Analysis
visual assessment of color and clarity
Macula Densa
epithelial cells adjacent to the distal tubule provide information about sodium content in the filtrate to the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, regulating aldosterone release via the RAAS
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Procedure
bladder and urethra are returned to their normal positions, promoting increase voluntary control of urine
Mass Movements
storn peristaltic contraction
first stool after birth that represents the digestion of amniotic fluid and is black, sticky, and odorless
Meissner Plexus
located in the submucosa, transmits sensory impulses through stretch receptors
black stool
Microscopic Analysis
performed using a specifically prepared urine sample
release of urine from the bladder
Myenteric Plexus
between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers that control gastrointestinal movement
functional unit of the kidney and is composed of the renal corpuscle
an endoscope inserted into the kidney through a small flank incision
Nephrostomy Tube
drains urine and assist in healing after the procedure
waking up in the night to urinate
too small to be seen
scanty urine production
Overactive Bladder
urine leading that is accompanied by or immediately preceded by a strong urge to void
Overflow Incontinence
incontinence may also result from urine volumes exceeding bladder capacity
Paralytic Ileus
nontechnical bowel obstruction characterized by a lack of peristalsis
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
alternate surgical procedure used for renal calculi removal
involuntary construction and relaxation of the muscles in the intestines and anal canal to put forward contents
Peritoneal Dialysis
option of renal failure treatment, wastes and excess water are removed using the peritoneal membrane as the semipermeable “filter” with the same transport mechanisms used in hemodialysis
Inflammation of the peritoneum
Polycycstic Kidney Disease
condition characterized by the growth of fluid filled cysts in kidney tissue bilaterally, leading to progressive loss of nephrons
depositing of solid substances from the fluid
kidney infection
colostomy that is temporarily measured until the colon is healed, which time it may be surgically reconnected
last several inches of the large intestine, ending at the anal canal
Renal Calculi
kidney stones
incomplete emptying
Rome III Criteria
symptom based diagnostic classifications
Segmental Movement
circular fiber contraction and relaxation occurs at different locations in the large intestine
Sling Procedure
places support material directly under the urethra and attached to abdominal muscle connective tissue
bile acids are absent in some malabsorption syndromes and are associated with large fat content
brown stool color derived from the bilirubin pigment in bile
fecal matter discharged
Stress Incontinence
physical movement or activity puts pressure on your bladder
magnesium ammonium phosphate; “infection stones” in the urinary tract
Taeniae Coli
along the length of the longitudinal muscle forms three distinct bands
Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure
uses a thin strip of supporting tape to form a hammock under the urethra
triangular, smooth area at the base of the bladder between the opening of the two ureters and the urethra
Ureteroscopic Stone Removal
used when stones are located in the mid or distal portions of the ureters
composed of smooth muscle fibers that propel the urine to the bladder by peristalsis
opening to the exterior
Urge Incontinence
urine leading that is accompanied by or immediately preceded by a strong urge to void
strong urge to void
Urinary Bladder
muscular organ lined with transitional epithelium and innervated by the pelvic nerves
Urine Incontinence
accidental or involuntary urination
clear, yellow fluid composed primarily of water, which contains a variety of water-soluble wastes
Urine Dipstick
changes color which indicates the absence or presence of substances oil urine
Urodynamic Testing
looking at how well the bladder, sphincters, and urethra are operating
development of calculi in the urinary system
Valsalva Maneuver
conscious contractions of abdominal muscles and forced exhalation against a closed glottis
needle insertion
Voiding Diary
record on urinary frequency, leakage, volumes, and fluid intake