Chapter 29 Flashcards
Omnia vincit Amor; et nōs cēdāmus Amōrī
Love conquers everything; and let us yield to love.
Urbem clarissimam condidi; mea moenia vidi; explevi cursum quem Fata dederant
I built the most famous city; I saw my city walls; I completed the path which the fates had given me.
Ita durus eras ut neque amore neque precibus molliri posses
You were so hard that you could not be softened not by love nor by begging.
Nemo quidem tam ferox est ut non molliri possit, cultura data.
No one indeed is so feral that they cannot be softened by having been given culture.
Diffcile est saturam non scribere; nam quis est tam patiens malae urbis ut se teneat?
Not to write satire is difficult; for who is so tolerant of a bad city that he can contain himself in.
Fuit quondam in hac re publica tanta virtus ut viri fortes civem perniciosum acrioribus poenis quam acerbissimum hostem reprimerent.
Once upon a time there was such great virtue that a strong man repressed a dangerous citizen with fiercer punishments than the fiercest enemy.
Ita praeclara est recuperatio libertatis ut ne mors quidem in hac re sit fugienda.
The recovery of freedom is noble that not even death must be fled in this matter.
Ne rationes meorum periculorum utilitatem rei publicae vincant.
Let the reasons of my dangers conquer the advantage for the republic.
Eo tempore Athenienses tantam virtutem praestiterunt ut decemplicem numerum hostium superarent, et hos sic perterruerunt ut in Asiam refugerent.
At that time the Athenians stood before everyone in virtue…
Orator exemplum dignum petat ab Demosthene illo, in quo tantum studium tantusque labor fuisse dicunter ut impedimenta naturae diligentia industriaque superaret.
Let the orator seek a worthy example from that Demosthenes, in whom
are said to have been such work and such industriousness that he overcame the impediments of nature through diligence and industry.
Praecepta tua sint brevia ut cito mentes plurium discipulorum ea discant te neantque memoria fideli.
Let your precepts be brief so that the minds of many students may learn these things quickly and keep them in faithful memory.
Nihil tam difficile est ut non possit studio investigari
Nothing is so difficult that it is not able to be investigated by study.
Bellum autem ita suscipiatur ut nihil nisi pax quaesita esse videatur.
However, let war be undertaken in such a way that nothing seems to have been searched except peace.
Tanta est vis probitatis ut eam etiam in hoste diligamus
So great is the force of honesty that we esteem it even in the enemy.