Chapter 19 Flashcards
Quae est natura animi? Est mortalis.
What is the nature of the soul? It is mortal.
Illa argumenta visa sunt et gravia et certa.
Those arguments seemed both weighty and reliable.
Quid nos facere contra istos et scelera eorum debemus?
What ought we to do against those men and their crimes?
Quid ego egi? In quod periculum iactus sum?
What have I done? Into what danger have I been cast?
O di immortales! In qua urbe vivimus? Quam civitatem habemus? Quae scelera videmus?
O immortal gods! In what city do we live? What state do we have? What crimes do we see?
Qui sunt boni cives nisi ei qui officio moventur et beneficia patriae memoria tenent?
Who are the good citizens if not those who are motivated by duty and hold the benefits of their fatherland by their memory?
Alia, quae pecunia parantur, ab eo stulto parata sunt; at mores eius veros amicos parare non potuerunt.
Other things, which are obtained by money, have been obtained by that foolish man; but his habits have not been able to obtain true friends.