Chapter 21 Flashcards
Numquam periculum sine periculo vincitur.
Danger is never overcome without danger.
Novius est vicinus meus et manu dextra tangi de fenestris meis potest.
Novius is my neighbor, and he can be touched by my right hand from my windows.
Nonne iudices iubebunt hunc in vincula duci et ad mortem rapi?
Will the judges not order this man to be led in chains and rushed away to death.
Altera aetas bellis civilibus teritur et Roma ipsa suis viribus deletur.
Another age is worn out by civil wars and Rome herself is destroyed by her own strength.
At amicitia nullo loco excluditur; numquam est intempestiva aut sinistra; multabeneficia continet.
But friendship is shut out from no place; it is never untimely or harmful; it contains many blessings.
Futura sciri non possunt.
Future things cannot be known.
Principio ipse mundus deorum hominumque causa factus est, etquae in eo sunt, ea paratasunt ad fructum hominum.
In the beginning, the world itself was created for the sake of gods and men, and those things which are in it were provided for the enjoyment of men.
Quam copiose a Xenophonte agricultura laudatur in eo libro qui “Oeconomicus” inscribitur.
How abundantly agriculture is praised by Xenophon in that book which is entitled Oeconomicus.
Vulgus vult decipi.
The common people want to be deceived.
Ubi scientia ac sapientia inveniuntur?
Where are knowledge and wisdom found?
Veritas nimis saepe laborat; exstinguitur numquam.
The truth often works too much; it is never extinguished.