Chapter 27 Flashcards
Optimum est. Nihil melius, nihil pulchrius hoc vidi.
This is the best. Nothing is better, nothing is more beautiful than this.
Spero te et hunc natalem et plurimos alios quam felicissimos acturum esse.
I hope that you will have this birthday and many others as happy as possible.
Quoniam consilium et ratio sunt in senibus, maiores nostri summum concilium appellaverunt senatum.
Since wisdom and reason are in our the ancestors, our ancestors called the highest council the Senate.
Plus operae studique in rebus domesticis nobis nunc ponendum est etiam quam in rebus militaribus
More work and study must be placed now by us in domestic matters than in military affairs.
Neque enim periculum in re publica fuit gravius umquam neque otium maius
For neither has there ever been in the Republic graver danger nor greater peace.
Sumus sapientiores illis, quod nos naturam esse optimam ducem scimus
We are more wiser than them, because we know that nature is the best leader.
Natura minimum petit: naturae autem se sapiens accommodat
Nature seeks the least: the wise man accomdates himself to nature.
Maximum remedium irae mora est
The greatest cure for anger is delay.
Qui animum vincit et iram continet, eum cum summis viris non comparo sed eum esse simillimum deo dico.
I do not compare people who conquers his spirit and holds his anger with the best men, but I say that he is similar to a god.
Dionysius, tyrannus urbis pulcherrimae, erat vir summae in victu temperantiae et in omnibus rebus diligentissimus et acerrimus. Idem tamen erat ferox ac iniustus. Qua ex re, si verum dicimus, videbatur miserrimus.
Dionysius, the tyrant od the most beautiful city, was a man of the highest moderation in mode of life and he was in all things most dilligent and most fearless. The same man however was fierce and unjust. Out of this thing, if we are saying, he seemed the most miserable.
Nisi superos vertere possum, Acheronta movebo.
If I am unable to change the gods above, I will move Acheron.
Trahit me nova vis: video meliora proboque, sed peiora tantum facio et nescio cur.
A new power is luring me: I see and approve better things, but I only do worse things and I do not know why.
Quaedam carmina sunt bona; plura sunt mala.
Certain poems are good; more are bad.