Chapter 25 Flashcards
Id factum esse tum non negavit.
He did not then deny that it had been done.
His rebus pronuntiatis, igitur, eum esse hostem scivisti.
When these things had been announced, therefore, you knew that he was an enemy.
Eum ab hostibus exspectari nunc sentis.
You now feel that he is being looked for by the enemy.
Vidi eos in urbe remansisse et nobiscum esse.
I saw that they had remained in the city and were with us.
Itaque aeternum bellum cum malis civibus a me susceptum esse cerno.
And so I perceive that an eternal war with evil citizens has been undertaken by me.
Idem credo tibi faciendum esse.
I believe that the same thing must be done by you.
Te enim esse fidelem mihi sciebam.
For I knew that you were loyal to me.
Hostibus se in civitatem vertentibus, senatus Cincinnato nuntiavit eum factum esse dictatorem.
With the enemy turning against the state, the Senate announced to Cincinnatus that he had been made dictator.
Dico te, Pyrrhe, Romanos posse vincere.
I say, Pyrrhus, that you are able to defeat the Romans.
Dic, hospes, Spartae te nos hic iacentes vidisse, patriae fideles.
Say to Sparta, stranger, that you saw us lying here, loyal to our fatherland.
Socrates putabat se esse civem totius mundi.
Socrates used to suppose that he was a citizen of the whole world.
Illi magistri negant quemquam virum esse bonum nisi sapientem.
Those teachers say that not any man is good unless he is wise.
Negavi, autem, mortem timendam esse.
I have said, however, that death must not be feared.
Credo deos immortales sparsisse spiritus in corpora humana.
I believe that the immortal gods have scattered souls into human bodies.
Adulescens sperat se diu victurum esse; senex potest dicere se diu vixisse.
A young man hopes that he will live for a long time; an old man can say that he has lived for a long time.