Chapter 20 Flashcards
Cornua cervum a periculis defendunt.
Horns protect a stag from dangers.
Oedipus duobus oculis se privavit.
Oedipus deprived himself of his two eyes.
Themistocles bello Persico Graeciam servitute liberavit.
In the Persian War, Themistocles freed Greece from slavery.
Demosthenes multos versus uno spiritu pronuntiabat.
Demosthenes used to pronounce many verses with in a single breath.
Persicos apparatus odi.
I hate Persian displays.
Iste communi sensu caret.
That man lacks common sense.
Senectus nos privat omnibus voluptatibus neque longe abest a morte.
Old age deprives us of all pleasures and is not far away from death.
Nullus accusator caret culpa; omnes peccavimus.
No accuser lacks fault; we all have sinned.
Nulla pars vitae vacare officio potest.
No part of life can be free from responsibility.
Prima virtus est vitio carere.
The first virtue is to be free from vice.
Vir scelere vacuus non eget iaculis neque arcu.
A man free from sin does not need javelins or a bow.
Magni tumultus urbem eo tempore miscebant.
Great tumults were disturbing the city at that time.
Litterae senatui populoque Allobrogum manibus coniuratorum ipsorum erant scriptae.
A letter had been written by the hands of the conspirators themselves to the senate and people of the Allobroges.