Chapter 23 Flashcards
Vives meis praesidiis oppressus.
You will live checked by my guards.
Illi autem, tendentes manus dextras, salutem petebant.
Those men, however, strectching forth their right hands, were seeking safety.
Tantalus sitiens flumina ab ore fugientia tangere desiderabat.
Tantalus, thirsting, kept wanting to touch the waters escaping from his mouth.
Signa rerum futurarum mundo a dis ostenduntur.
Signs of things about to be are shown to the world by the gods.
Graecia capta asperum victorem cepit.
Captured Greece captured her harsh conqueror.
Atticus Ciceroni ex patria fugienti multam pecuniam dedit.
Atticus gave much money to Cicero fleeing from his country.
Si mihi eum educandum committes, studia eius formare ab infantia incipiam.
If you will entrust him to me to be educated, I shall begin to shape his studies from infancy.
Saepe stilum verte, bonum libellum scripturus.
Turn your stilus often, going to write a good little book.
Cura oratoris dicturi eos audituros delectat.
The care of an orator about to speak delights those about to listen.
Morti Socratis semper illacrimo, legens Platonem.
Reading Plato, I always weep over the death of Socrates.
Memoria vitae bene actae multorumque bene factorum iucunda est.
The recollection of a life well lived and of many things done well is gratifying.
Qui timens vivet, liber non erit umquam.
Whoever will live in fear will not ever be free.
Non is est miser qui iussus aliquid facit, sed is qui invitus facit.
That man is not wretched who, having been ordered, does something, but he who does unwillingly.
Verbum semel emissum volat irrevocabile.
A word once sent forth, flies forth irrevocable.