Chapter 24 Flashcards
Carthago delenda est.
Carthage must be destroyed.
Asia victa, dux Romanus felix multos servos in Italiam misit.
With Asia having been conquered, the fortunate Roman leader sent many slaves into Italy.
Omnibus ferro militis perterritis, quisque se servare cupiebat.
With all the men having been frightened by the soldier’s sword, each man was desiring to save himself.
Quidquid dicendum est, libere dicam.
Whatever must be said, I shall say freely.
Haec omnia vulnera belli tibi nunc sananda sunt.
All these wounds of war must be healed by you now.
Nec tumultum nec hastam militis nec mortem violentam timebo, Augusto terras tenente.
I shall fear neither civil war nor the soldier’s spear nor a violent death, with Augustus holding the lands.
Tarquinio expulso, nomen regis audire non poterat populus Romanus.
With Tarquin having been expelled, the Roman people were not able to hear the name of “king.”
Ad utilitatem vitae omnia consilia factaque nobis regenda sunt.
All our plans and actions must be directed by us to the benefit of our life.