Chapter 26 Flashcards
Senectus est loquacior.
Old age is too garrulous.
Tua consilia omnia nobis clariora sunt quam lux.
All your plans are clearer to us than light.
Quaedam remedia graviora sunt quam ipsa pericula.
Certain remedies are more grievous than the dangers themselves.
Eo die viros fortissimos atque amantissimos rei publicae ad me vocavi.
On that day, I summoned the bravest and most patriotic men to me.
Qui imperia libens accepit, partem acerbissimam servitutis vitat.
He who has accepted orders willingly, avoids the harshest part of slavery.
Iucundissima dona, ut aiunt, semper sunt ea quae auctor ipse cara facit.
The most pleasant gifts, as they say, are always those that the giver himself makes dear.
Beatus sapiensque vir forum vitat et superba limina potentiorum civium.
A happy and wise man avoids the forum and the proud thresholds of the more powerful citizens.
Quid est turpius quam ab aliquo illudi?
What is more shameful than to be deceived by someone?
Quid enim est stultius quam incerta pro certis habere, falsa pro veris?
What, indeed, is more foolish than to consider uncertainties as certain, falsehoods as truths?
Saepe mihi dicis, carissime amice: “Scribe aliquid magnum; desidiosissimus homo es.”
You often say to me, dearest friend: “Write something important; you are a very lazy man.”
Verba currunt; at manus notarii est velocior illis; non lingua mea, sed manus eius, laborem perfecit.
Words move quickly; but the hand of the stenographer is faster than those; not my tongue, but his hand has completed the work.
Multi putant res bellicas graviores esse quam res urbanas; sed haec sententia mutanda est, nam multae res urbanae sunt graviores clarioresque quam bellicae.
Many men think that military affairs are more important than urban matters; but this opinion should be changed, for many domestic accomplishments are more important and more renowned than those of war.
Invitatus ad cenam, manu sinistra lintea neglegentiorum sustulisti. Hoc salsum esse putas? Res sordidissima est! Itaque mihi linteum remitte.
When you had been invited to dinner, you took away the napkins of overly careless ones with your left hand. Do you think this is witty? It is a very mean trick! And so–send me back my napkin.