Chapter 29 Flashcards
2 types of Deuterostomes
1) Echinoderms
2) Chordates
Phylum Echinoderms
Adults - Pentaradial Symmetry
Larval - Bilateral Symmetry
- Capable of Regeneration
- Water Vascular System
- Nerve Ring
Phylum Chordata
1) Notochord
2) Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord
3) Pharyngeal Gill Slits
4) Post Anal Tail
5) Endostyle/ Thyroid Gland
5 Classes of Echinodermata
Asteroidea: Sea Stars
Ophiuroidea: Brittle Stars
Echinoidea: Sea urchins, sand dollars
Crinoidea: Sea Lilies
Holothuroidea: Sea cucumbers
What is a madreporite
The enterance to the water vascular system
What is unique to echinoderms?
Their water vascular system: a network of hydraulic canals branching into tube feet that help with feeding and movement
Adult echinoderms have ______ symmetry, while larval have _______ symmetry
Radial (usually multiples of 5), Bilateral
Secondarily pentaradial
A form of asexual reproduction that is a type of fission called autotomy (casting off a part of the body)
How do Echinoderms move and grip surfaces?
Using their tube feet, which grip substrate using adhesive chemicals
Sea Stars and Sea Daisies
Sea Stars feed on bivalves, have tube feet, have multiple arms radiating from a central disk
Brittle Stars
Have a unique central disk, some are predators and scavengers while other are suspension feeders, have tube feet
Sea urchins and sand dollars
Have no arms but have five rows of tube feet. Sea urchins have muscles that can pivot their spines (which have toxins in them)
Sea Lillies and Feather Stars
Both are suspension/filtration feeders, look like plants but aren’t!!
Sea Cucumbers
Lack a spine, have a reduced endoskeleton, and don’t look much like other echinoderms
What is the special relationship holothuroidea have?
They have a commensalistic relationship with a certain type of fish. The fish hides in it’s GI tract. The fish gets nutrition and the sea cucumber gets nothing 🧍♀️🗿
3 subphylum’s of chordata
1) Urochordata (tunicates/sea squirts)
2) Cephalochordata (lancelet)
3) Vertebrata
Covered in tunicin, larvae resembles tadpoles (they have more chordate characteristic than the adults)
Small filter feeders, bury in substrate
General Order of Evolution
1) Cyanobacteria, fungi, and protists
2) small plants and fungi
3) first animals
4) tall plants
5) Tiktaalik
6) first amniotes
7) first reptiles
What are Myxini and Peteromyzontida
Sister taxa
What is the outgroup of deuterostomes
What are Reptilia and Mammalia
Sister taxa