Chapter 26: Nation Building in the Western Hemisphere and Australia Flashcards
Latin American Peninsulares
Social Roles
Charles III Colonial Reforms
Slavery in Latin America
Indian Rebellions and Tupac Amaru II
Comunero Revolution
Haitian Revolt and Toussaint L’Ouverture
Simon Bolivar
Gran Colombia
Brazillian Independence
Pedro I and Pedro II
Latin American Wars of Independence
Causes and Consequences of Latin American Independence Movements
Coup d’etat
Caudillos of the Americas
Benito Juarez
Mexico under General Porfirio Diaz
Impact of Immigration on Latin America
Manifest Destiny
Louisiana Purchase
Mexican-American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Spanish-American War
Indian Cession
Conflict and the Reservation System in the U.S.
Andrew Jackson
Slavery in the U.S.
Crazy Horse
The American Civil War
Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy
Emancipation Proclamation
Chattel Slavery
Effects of Reconstruction
Homestead Act of 1862
Effects of the California Gold Rush
Seneca Falls Convention in 1848
Industrialism in the U.S.
Henry Ford
John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil
J.P. Morgan’s United States Steel
Connections between Immigration and Industrialization
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Aspects of the Exploration of Canada
Formation and Independence of Canada
The Constitution Act
British Statue of Westminster
John A. Macdonald
British Commonwealth of Nations
Botany Bay
New South Wales
Cook’s Arrival and Interactions in Australia
Penal Colony
Arthur Phillip
Exclusionists vs. Emancipists
Formation and Independence of Australia
John Macarthur
J.T. Bigge
Freeman Cobb and James Rutherford
“White Australia Policy”