Chapter 25: Sprinklers, Fire Detection Alarm Panels & Elevators Flashcards
6 Advantages of Automatic Sprinkler Systems
Most reliable fire protection device Rarely fail to operate Reduce insurance costs Enhance Life Safety Control or extinguish 96% of Fires Create less business interruption and water damage
4 step Function of an automated sprinkler system
Detect presence of fire
Alarm or transmit alarm signal
Control Growth of Fire
Extinguish fire completly
5 Methods of Detection
Vapor detection: LEL’s
Flame or Flash: photoelectric
Fixed Temp:
Rate of Rise: operates on air pressure increase
Smoke:photo electric visible & Ionization (smallparticals
2 types of alarm that signal water is flowing
Hydraulic & electric
6 Types of Sprinkler System
- Wet-Pipe:water in piping
- Dry-Pipe: pipe is pressurized w/air to Dry-pipe valve
- Pre-Action: detects problem and charges line; then you may be able to extinguish before the fix temp heads fuse and release above the fire
- Deluge: when one head goes all the heads on that valve go
- Residential: quick response wet or dry
- Special Extinguishing: halon, foam, dry chem, agents other than water
Sprinkler Head
A fixed spray nozzle operated by a single thermal detector
4 sprinkler head mechanisms
Fusible link
Chemical pellet
Frangible bulb
Quick response: life safety:fusible link w/electronic attachments
3 ways a sprinkler may be oriented
Side wall
Stand Pipe System
An arrangement of piping,valves, hose connections and allied equipment installed in a building or structure.
Purpose of a Stand Pipe System
To shorten length of supply and fire attack hose
A stand Pipe
Is the riser portion of a stand pipe system that delivers the water supply from floor to floor.
3 classes of Stand Pipe System
Class 1: 65mm connection
class 2: 38mm hose cabinet
Class 3: 65mm connection and 38mm hose
5 types of stand pipe System
1 Automatic Wet: has its own H2Oand is charghed
2 Automatic Dry: filled w/ air has its own H2O supply
3 Semiauto wet:Has its own water: needsto be activated for pressure
4 Manual wet: has water but no supply: FD will pressurize and supply
5 Manual dry: filled w/ air :no pressure or supply so FD will need to do both
Discharge pressure
minimum 1000kpa + 35 kpa per floor after the 5th floor to overcome head pressure
Max pressure for a stand Pipe: 2100kpa (that is what our hoses are at)
max pressure for a sprinkler system is 1050kpa
sprinkler head 150kpa
3 Types of Fire Alarm
Conventional Supervised:110-120V: basic =general alarm: Multi zone=a zone to search
Multi-Plex/Fully Addressable: each devise has its own adress: silences only the activated device
Central Station: alarm goes to a supervising control center UofA, SCC
2 Fire Alarm Stages
Single Stage: signal thought building when a device is activated
two stage: an alert is sent out to pre-determined area/zone, there will be a 5 min window to acknowledge the alarm before a general alarm goes off
3 types of Elevators
Split Bank: only service certain floors
Blind Shaft: only accessible by certain floors
1: Fire Recall activated manually or by an alarm or signaling device: will not return to service until 3 position key switch is re set(off:normal ,on: car will go to pre determined floor non stop with alarms going off, Reset:will clear alarms retern to service)
2:off normal operation
on (ff control) buttons for open,close call cxl stop working
hold: will hold car at floor landing w/ doors open, key can be removed and car will stay there
Elevator test
Test stop @ 2nd floor open and close door
stop 2 floors below fire
only use when fire is above the 5th floor