Chapter 1: City of Edmonton Flashcards
What is ENVISO
ENVISO: Fire Rescue Services “Environmental Management System”. this is used to achieve ISO 14001 certification (international standard)
What does ENVISO do for us
our environmental management system (ENVISO) is a tool used to
- Meet out mission of protecting Life, property and the ENVIRONMENT
- improve relation ship with regulators and reduce legal costs
- promote our image as a wold class department
- protect the environment for us and future generations
What do we use to guide our Environmental policy (ENVISO)
Environmental CPR:
C- continual environmental Improvement
P- pollution Prevention
R- regulatory compliance
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
WHMIS Classes
A: Compressed Gas B: Flammable and Combustible C: Oxidizing Material D: Poisonous & Infectious E: Corrosive Material F: Dangerously Reactive
WHMIS Classes
A: Compressed Gas B: Flammable and Combustible C: Oxidizing Material D: Poisonous & Infectious E: Corrosive Material F: Dangerously Reactive
5 Suppliers Responsiblities
1-supplier labels
2-label containers of controlled substances
3-revise labels with new info, when available
4-make and provide MSDS
5-ensure MSDS are current-must update every 3 years
7 Employer Responsibilities
1-Ensure all containers are labeled
2-Ensure labels are not removed, altered, defaced
3-Ensure MSDS are up to date and available
4-Develop and supply work place labels
5-Develop safe storage and handling procedures
6-Replace damaged labels
7-Provide WHMIS training to all employees
6 Employee Responsibilities
1-Must follow safe storage and handling procedures
2-Understand info on Labels
3-Learn to use WHMIS
4-Be familiar with MSDS
5-Inform employer of workplace Hazards
6-Inform employer of removed, altered, defaced labels
Supplier Label
Product ID Supplier ID MSDS Statement Hazard Symbol Risk Hazard Precautionary Measures First Aid Measures
Supplier Label
7 kinds of info
Product ID Supplier ID MSDS Statement Hazard Symbol Risk Hazard Precautionary Measures First Aid Measures
Work Place Label
must contain 3 of the 7
Product ID
Precautionary measures
MSDS statement
6 Classes and Divisions
A: Compressed Gas B: Flammable and Combustible 1-flammable gas 2-flammable liquid 3-combustible liquid (flash point >37.8'C) 4-flammable solid 5-flammable aerosol 6-reactive flammable material C: Oxidizing Material D: Poisonous & Infectious 1-poisonous material- Immediately Dangerous 2-other toxic materials- Chronic Effects 3-Infectios Materials E: Corrosive Material F: Dangerously Reactive
WHMIS 2015 SDS 16 items (1-4)
2-Hazard Identification
4-First Aid Measures
WHMIS 2015 SDS 16 items (5-8)
5-Fire fighting Measures
6-Accidental Release Measures
7-Handling & Storage
8-Exposure Control
WHMIS 2015 SDS 16 items (9-12)
9-Physical & Chemical properties
10-Stability & Reactivity
11-Toxicological Information
12-ECOLOGICAL information
WHMIS 2015 SDS 16 items (13-16)
13-Disposal Information
14-Transport Information
15-Regulatory Information
16-Other Information