Chapter 14: Building Construction Flashcards
5 Types of building Construction
I : Fire Resistive Consrtuction II : Non/Limited Combustible III : Ordinary Construction IV : Heavy Timber V ; Wood Framed Construction
I : Fire Resistive Consrtuction
Made with non combustible material or with fire-restive ratings that all material s to with stand the effects of fire and prevent spread from floor to floor
think pound maker
II : Non/Limited Combustible
similar to type I but to materials used have lower ratings.
think training school
III : Ordinary Construction
outside materials have non or limited combustible materials but the interior structural members are partial or completely made of wood
think strip malls….
IV : Heavy Timber
exterior walls made of non combustible materials and interior components made of large dimensional lumber with no concealed spaces
columns >8” thick
Girders >6” thick
think board walk building
V ; Wood Framed Construction
building almost completely made of small dimensional wood wood products
almost all single family homes
Balloon Frame:
Unobstructed channels run between the studs from the seller to the attic, and between the joists from wall to wall
Platform Frame
This has built-in fire stops between each floor; there are no continuous vertical spaces
5 factors that affect woods ignition
- Density
- Size and Form
- Moisture content
- Rate of Preheating
- Ignition Source
types of Engineered wood…
Plywood, Splice Timbers, Glue Lam Beams, Planks< Chipboard, OSB, Particleboard, MDF,
8 types of LOADS
Fuel Load:amount of potential fuel
Structural Load: Forces that work against structures ability to stand
Dead Load: Building and all attached fixtures
Live Load: Weight of content, occupants, snow/Rain
Impact Load: short 1 time bursts of pressures
Static Load: Gradual or constant pressures over time
Repeated Load: intermittent pressures applied over time
Internal Forces:
Internal Forces
Compression, Tensile, Shear, Concentrated, Axial, Torsional, Suspended Loads
Truss Hazards
the strength of connection: when one fails they all fail
Load bearing & non load bearing walls
Load bearing walls: support the weight of building laterally along their length in addition to their own weight.
Non Load Bearing Walls: Walls support only their own weight
6 types of walls
Party wall: Load bearing; sits on property line between 2 buildings
Fire wall: Interior, absolute fire barrier, self supporting, extends from foundation through the roof of the building to a height sufficient to keep the fire from jumping (4hrs)
Fire Partition wall: rating of 3/4 hour, non load bearing, runs from floor to ceiling
Partition wall: non load bearing, used to subdivide large spaces
Parapet wall: Portion of fire or fire partition wall that extends above the roof 18”
Shear Wall: designed to withstand fore of high/shear winds
Depending on building classification must have a rating of 1,2, or 3 hours
7 types of flat roof
+ pitched and curved
Inverted,Rain, wood deck, metal deck, concrete, Poured Gypsum, Mansard
4 roof hazards
ventilation could sped up collapse
excessive live load
weight of hvac
Fire Extension
Fire can travel through connected voids, pipe chases, utility and elevator shafts.
Collapse zone and patterns
Zone: 1.5 times building height
Patterns: Lean-to Vee-Shape A-Frame Pancake Cantilever