Addition reaction
A reaction in which a substance is added at the double bond of an alkene or at the triple bond of an alkyne
An organic compound having an -OH group; the general structure is R-OH
An organic compound in which the carbon of carbonyl group is joined to at least one hydrogen; the general formula is RCHO
Alkyl halide
A halocarbon in which one or more halogen atoms are attached to the carbon atoms of an aliphatic chain
Aryl halide
A halocarbon in which one or more halogens are attached to the carbon atoms of an arene ring
Carbonyl group
A functional group having a carbon atom and oxygen atom joined by a double bond; it is found in aldehydes, ketones, esters, and amides
Carboxyl group
A functional group consisting of carbonyl group attached to a hydroxyl group; it is found in carboxylic acids
Carboxylic acid
An organic acid containing a carboxyl group; the general formula is RCOOH
Dehydrogenation reaction
A reaction in which hydrogen is lost
Denatured alcohol
Ethanol to which a poisonous substance has been added to make it toxic
A derivative of a carboxylic acid in which the -OH of the carboxyl group has been replaced by the -OR from an alcohol; the general formula is RCOOR
An organic compound in which oxygen is bonded to two carbon groups; the general formula is R-O-R
Fatty acid
The name given to the continuos chain carboxylic acids that were first isolated from fats
The production of ethanol from sugars by the action of yeast or bacteria
The production of ethanol from sugars by the action of yeast or bacteria