Aliphatic hydrocarbons
Any straight chain or branched chain alkane, alkene or alkyne
A hydrocarbon containing only single covalent bonds; alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons
A hydrocarbon containing one or more carbon-carbon double bonds; alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons
Alkyl group
A hydrocarbon substituent; the methyl group is an alkyl group
A hydrocarbon containing a carbon carbon triple bond; alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons
Aromatic compounds
An organic compound that contains a benzene ring or other ring in which the bonding is like that of benzene; aromatic compounds are also known as arenes
Asymmetric carbon
A carbon atom that has four different atoms or groups attached
Branched chain alkane
An alkane with one or more alkyl groups attached to the parent structure
Cis configuration
The configuration in which substituent groups are on the same side of a double bond
Condensed structural formulas
A structural formula that leaves out some bonds and/or atoms; the presence of these atoms or bonds is understood
The controlled process by which hydrocarbons are broken down or rearranged into smaller, more useful molecules
Cyclic hydrocarbon
An organic compound that contains a hydrocarbon ring
Homologous series
A group of compounds in which there is a constant increment of change in molecular structure from one compound in the series to the next
An organic compound that contains only carbon and hydrogen
Geometric isomers
Compounds that have atoms in the same order, but differ in the orientation of groups around a double bond