Chapter 23 Flashcards
any species that -competes w us for food -invades lawns and gardens -destroys wood in houses -spreads diseases -invades ecosystems AKA: A NUISANCE
natural enemy
any predators, parasites, and disease organisms that control the population of about 98% of the potential pest species as part of the world’s FREE ECOLOGICAL SERVICES
pesticides / biocides
chemicals to kill or control populations of organisms considered undesirable.
chemicals that kill insects by blocking reproduction, clogging their airways, or disrupting their nervous system.
Chemicals that kill weeds by disrupting their metabolism and growth.
chemicals that kill fungi.
chemicals that kill rats and mice.
second generation pesticides
chemicals that can kill or repel pests, and they have improved natural pesticides produced by plants.
potent insecticide
- highly resistant -
- biologically magnified
broad-spectrum agents
a pesticide toxic to many species
selective spectrum agents
pesticide effective to only a narrowly defined group of organisms
how long a pollutant stays in the air, water, soil or the body
pesticide treadmill
the more pesticides you use, the less effective they are
circle of poison
residues or banned or unapproved chemicals exported to other countries can return to the country.
Silent Spring
rachel carson’s book about the effects of the environment (mostly birds) with the use of pesticides.
dirty dozen
a group of twelve persistent organic pollutants that countries are trying to ban.
examples: DDT, and other chlorine pertaining pesticides
economic threshold
the point at which economic losses caused by pest damage outweigh the cost of applying a pesticide.
cosmetic spraying
increased pesticide use because most consumers often buy only the best looking crops even though there is nothing wrong with the blemished ones.
food irradiation
extends food shelf life and kills insects, parasitic worms and harmful bacteria
(low gamma radiation is used)
integrated pest management (IPM)
overall goal: reduce crop damage to an economically tolerable level.
- each crop and its pest are evaluated as parts of an ecological system. The farmer than develops a control plan than includes all methods of pest control in the proper order at the right time.
- biological, chemical and cultivation processes