shows a wide view of the maxilla and the mandible and surrounding structures
allows for the visualization of the patient’s oral and facial structures spread out across a flat surface.
What kind of technique is panoramic imaging and what does it examine
extra oral technique
examines maxilla and mandible on a single projection .
The panoramic image is typically used for the following purposes:
evaluate dentition and supporting structures
evaluate impacted teeth
detect diseases and lesions of the jaw
evaluate trauma
a panoramic image can be used to detect caries. TRUE OR FALSE
an imaging technique that allows the imaging of one layer, or section, of the body while blurring the images of structures in other planes.
The pivotal point, or axis, around which the receptor and the x-ray tubehead rotate is termed the
rotation center
a three-dimensional curved zone in which structures are clearly demonstrated on a panoramic image.
focal trough
this image results when a structure lies between the receptor and moving rotation center. this image is a “true” image; it appears in the correct anatomic location with varying degrees of sharpness and distortion.
real image
results when an anatomic structure that is located behind the moving rotation center is penetrated twice by the x-ray beam. this image has the same proportions as the real image and is located in the same location on the opposite side of the receptor.this image appears as a mirror image, or the reverse of the real image.
double image
This image results when an anatomic structure or object is located outside of the focal plane and close to the x-ray source. This image resembles its true image and is found on the opposite side of the receptor; it appears blurred, magnified, and higher than the actual counterpart
ghost image
The main components of the panoramic unit, whether digital or film-based, include the following
xray tubehead
head positioner
exposure controls
The function of the collimator
restrict size and shape of xray beam
the tubehead of the panoramic unit always rotates _____ the patient’s head, while the receptor rotates in ________ of the patient.
in front
consists of a chin rest, notched bite-block, forehead rest, and lateral head supports or guides
head positioner