is a method used to examine the interproximal surfaces of teeth
Bitewing technique
Between two adjacent surfaces.
Type of receptor used in interproximal examination. The bite-wing receptor has a “wing,” or tab, and the patient “bites” on the wing to stabilize the receptor.
bite wing receptor
Bone that supports and encases the roots of teeth
alveolar bone
Coronal portion of alveolar bone found between teeth; also known as the alveolar crest
crestal bone
area of a tooth that touches an adjacent tooth; the area where adjacent tooth surfaces contact each other
contact areas
thin radiolucent lines between adjacent tooth surfaces
open contacts
the area where the contact area of one tooth is superimposed over the contact area of an adjacent tooth
overlapped contacts
The receptor is placed in the mouth ______ to the crowns of both maxillary and mandibular teeth.
When using a bite-wing tab, the central ray of the x-ray beam is directed through the contacts of teeth, using a vertical angulation of ___ degrees.
In the bite-wing technique, either a ______ device or a ______ tab is used to stabilize the receptor.
beam alignment device
bite wing tab
device used to position an intraoral receptor in the mouth and maintain the receptor in position during the imaging procedure
beam alignment device
To reduce the amount of radiation exposure to the patient, the use of this collimator for all intraoral exposures is recommended.
rectangular collimator
an alternative to a beam alignment device used to stabilize the receptor during exposure
bite wing tab
what size receptor is recommended in for bite wing exposures
size 2
which areas may not be adequately seen on the dental images of patients with bone loss because of the narrow dimension of the receptor.?
crestal bone
term used to describe the alignment of the central ray of the x-ray beam in both horizontal and vertical planes.
refers to the positioning of the central ray in a horizontal, or side-to-side, plane
horizontal angulation
With correct horizontal angulation, the central ray is directed _______to the ______ of the _____ and through the contact areas of teeth.
what does incorrect angulation result in ?
overlapped “unopened” contacts
refers to the positioning of the PID in a vertical, or up-and-down, plane
vertical angulation
when a bitetab is used without a beam alignment device, what should the vertical angulation be ?
+10 degrees
incorrect vertical angulation used in the exposure of a bitewing results in what?
distorted image - non diagnostic
where should bitewing exposures be prescribed?
areas where teeth have interproximal contact with adjacent teeth
a total of how many bite wing images are exposed?
When posterior teeth are missing , how many bitewing exposures me be sufficient?
one bitewing exposure on each side
the specific area where the receptor must be positioned before exposure,
receptor placement
When are vertical bitewings used ?
for post treatment or follow up images for patients with bone loss due to
periodontal disease
can be used to examine the level of alveolar bone in addition to caries detection
an area where teeth are no longer present.
edentulous space