Chapter 21-Toxicology Flashcards
Define Toxicology
the study of toxic or poisonous substances
Define poison
A substance whose chemical action can damage body structures or hinder body functions
Define toxin
A poisonous substance that is naturally produced by a plant, animal, or bacteria
Define substance abuse
The misuse of any substance for a desired effect
Define overdose
The lethal or toxic dose of a substance
What six questions do you ask during SAMPLE if you suspect toxins are involved?
What did you take When did you take it How much did you take Did you eat or drink before or after Have you taken an antidote How much do you weigh
What are some clues that may be present at the scene and an indication of intoxication?
overturned bottle needle or syringe scattered pills chemicals overturned or damaged plants
What are opioids?
CNS depressants designed for pain relief
What are opiates?
nonsynthetic opioids
What are some opioids?
Heroin, methadone, oxycodon
What are some opiates?
morphine, codeine
What are the signs and symptoms of someone who has taken opioids/opiates?
Hypoventilation or respiratory arrest
pin point pupils
What is a narcotic and what class of drugs falls into this category?
Drugs that affect the behavior or mood, inducing sleepiness; opioids
What is the antidote for opioids?
Naloxon (brand name: narcan)
What are sympathomimetics?
Drugs that simulate the sympathetic response (fight or flight)
What are some examples of sympathomimetics?
Epinephrine, albuterol, cocaine, meth
What are some symptoms of sympathomimetic abuse?
Hypertension, tachycardia, dilated pupils, seizures/agitation, hyperthermia
What are some examples of sedative-hypnotic drugs?
Diazepam, secobarbital, flunitrazepam, midazolam
What are some symptoms of sedative-hypnotic drug use?
Slurred speech, sedation/coma, hypoventilation, hypotension
What are anticholinergics?
Drugs that block the parasympathetic nerves
What are some examples of anticholinergics?
atropine, diphenylhydramine, doxylamine, jimsonweed
What are symptoms of anticholinergic use?
Hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypertension, dilated pupils, dry skin, sedation/coma, decreased bowel sounds
What are cholinergics?
Drugs that stimulate the parasympathetic system
What are some examples of cholinergics?
Organophosphate, nerve gas, pilocarpine
What are symptoms of cholinergic use?
SLUDGEM Salivation/sweating Lacrimation Urination Diarrhea, defecation, drooling GI pain Emesis Muscle spasms/miosis
What are the four ways for a poison to enter the body?
Inhaled, absorbed, ingested, injected
What is the treatment for inhaled poisons?
Move patient to fresh air Give O2 Call HazMat Remove clothing to release trapped gas Prompt transport
What are the signs and symptoms of inhaled poison?
Burning eyes Sore throat Cough Chest pain Hoarseness Wheezing/stridor Respiratory distress Dizziness/confusion/AMS Seizures
What are two toxic gases that people use to commit suicide?
Carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide
How do you treat absorbed poisons?
Remove contaminated clothing Brush off powder Then rinse with water for 15-20 minutes Wash skin with soap and water Irrigate eyes Obtain MSDS sheet
Signs and symptoms of absorbed poison?
Liquid/powder on skin
Odors of the substance
How do you treat ingested poisons?
Call medical and poison control
Altered charcoal
Prompt transport
Signs and symptoms of ingested poisons?
Burns around mouth GI pain/vomiting AMS Cardiac dysrhythmias Seizures
How do you treat injected poisons?
Monitor airway and give O2
Remove jewelry from site of sting if swollen
Prompt transport
Bring all bottles/containers from scene
What is the phone number for poison control?
What is the most common route for poisons?
Ingested (80%)
What is DT?
Delerium Tremens, 1-7 days after a chronic drinker stops consuming alcohol, they will experience withdrawal-like symptoms
What are the symptoms associated with DT?
Agitation/restlessness Fever Sweating Tremors Confusion Seizures
What types of shock can result from DT?
Hypovolemic shock because of excessive sweating
What class of drugs results in quick development of tolerance?
What is another words for bath salts?
Synthetic Cathinones
What chemical do bath salts contain?
methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV)
What are brand names of synthetic cathinones?
Ivory Wave, Cloud Nine
What are the desired effects of bath salts?
euphoria, heightened mental status, sexual arousal
What are the adverse side effects of synthetic cathinones?
Teeth grinding, loss of appetite, muscle twitching, lip-smacking, confusion, GI pain, paranoia, headache, tachycardia, hallucinations
What do hallucinogens do?
Alter sensory perceptions
How do you know if someone on a hallucinogen is having a bad trip?
Tachycardia, hypertension, paranoia, anxiety
The physiological effects of hallucinogens are similar to those of_____
Pesticide poisoning falls under the category of what drug?
Cholinergics (SLUDGEM)