Chapter 21 - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease & infertility Flashcards
the buildup of fluid within the air sacs of alveoli within the lungs
acute respiratory distress syndrome
a hormone such a tester one that is responsible for a male characteristic
syndrome characterized by endometrial adhesions that typically occur as result of scar formation after some types of uterine surgery
ashermann syndrome
inflammation of the cervix
sexually transmitted disease that can lead to an infection of the genital tract in both sexes
inflammation of the GB
function ectopic endometrial tissue located outside of the uterus
permanent form of birth control that uses small coils placed into the proximal isthmus segment of the FT
essure device
a perihepatic infection that results in liver capsule inflammation from the pelvic infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia
technique used for in vitro fertilization in which follicles are drained for oocyte retrieval
follicular aspiration
infertility treament in which oocytes and sperm are placed in the FT by means of laparoscopy
gamete intrafallopian tube transfer
a sexually transmitted disease that can lead to PID
peritoneal space located between liver and right kidney ; also referred to as Morrison pouch
hepatorenal space
coexisting ectopic & intrauterine pregnancies
heterotopic pregnancy
abnormal accumulation of fluid within the Fallopian tube
excessive serum androgen levels ; produces male characteristics in females
an increase in blood flood
fertility treatment that requires that a mature ovum be extracted from the ovary with fertilization taking place outside of the body
in vitro fertilization
an elevated white blood cells count
when the endometrium does not develop appropriately in the luteal phase of the endometrial cycle as a result of reduced progesterone production
luteal phases deficiency
a small plastic T-shaped intrauterine device
overweight to the point of causing significant health problems and increased mortality
infrequent or light menstrual periods
scant or decreased urine output
the removal of oocytes from ovarian follicles by aspiration
oocyte retrieval
a syndrome resulting from hyper stimulation of the ovaries by fertility drugs ; results in development of multiple enlarge follicular ovarian cysts
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
the stimulation of the ovaries by hormonal therapy in order to treat infertility
ovulation induction
intrauterine contraceptive device that utilizes copper in its composition to inhibit sperm transport or to prevent fertilization or transplantation
infertility medicine used to stimulate the follicular development of the ovaries
time directly after giving birth and extending to about 6 weeks
synthetic progesterone secreted by some intrauterine devices to regulate menstrual flow
an inflammatory reaction that leads to the formation of pus
presence of pus within uterus
presence of pus within the FT
artifact seen posterior to air or gas bubbles
ring down artifact
inflammation of FT
method of reducing with number of pregnancies in a multiple gestation whereby certain embryos or fetuses are terminated
selective reduction
an illness resulting from another disease, trauma, or injury
sonographic finding that is described as the presence of 10 fr more small cysts measuring 2 to 18 mm along the periphery of the ovary
“String of pearls” sign
functional ovarian cysts that are found in the presenceof elevated levels of HCG ; also referred to as theca luteal cyst
theca lutein cysts
the formation of clot within a blood vessel with the potential to travel to a distant site and cause occlusion
a permanent form of female sterilization in which the FT are severed
tubal ligation
a pelvic abscess involving FT and OV that is often cause by pelvic inflammatory disease
tube-ovarian abscess
when adhesions develop within pelvis that leads to fusion of ovaries and dilated tubes as a result PID
tube-ovarian complex
the uterus, ovaries and FT
upper genital tract
a benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus ; may also be referred to as a fibroid or uterine myopia
uterine leiomyoma
inflammation of the vagina
infertility treatment where the zygote is placed into the FT
zygote intrafallopain transfer
An infection in the upper genital tract
What is the origin of PID
ascension of an infection from the lower genital tract
Risk factor for PID
Post abortion
Post Childbirth
Mulitple Sexual Partners
Early Sexual Contact
After PID it manifests
Association of Appdx
Ruptured colonic diverticulum
Pelvic surgery
Common causes of PID are
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea
PID is usually ___
Clinical findings of Acute PID
pelvic pain/tenderness
purulent vaginal discharge
vaginal bleeding/itchiness
Sonographic findings of acute PID
Thickened Irregular Endometrium
Ill defined uterine borders
Cul de sac Fluid
Multicystic and solid complex andexal masses
Clinical findings of chronic PID
Continual Pelvic / Abd Pain
Palpable Adnexal Mass
Irregular Menses
Purulent Vaginal Discharge
Sonographic findings of Chronic PID
Scars in Fallopian Tubes (Echogenic bands in tube)
Adhesions may obliterate distinct borders
Multicystic and solid complex adnexal masses