Chapter 2.1 Flashcards
_________ is the aspect of self that can be observed and examined. It consists of the ________ and ________ with vital functions of maintaining one’s life and undergoes ________.
Physical self
extremities and organs
gradual change
_________ is customarily associated with ____________ and typically refers to an essential quality of something that arouses some type of reaction in the human observer - for example, pleasure, calm, elevation, or delight.
aesthetic experience
What philosophers think about beauty?
• Beauty was a primary theme among _________
• It was among the ultimate values along with _______, _______ and _____.
• It is why Greeks emphasize physical fitness in their sculptures
ancient Greeks
goodness, truth and justice
Beauty is _____
• There is a single and absolute definition.
Beauty is _______
• Definition varies across Individuals, society, and time.
Who said that beautiful things reflect our idea of beauty that exists in the real of forms
He said that the chief forms of beauty are order, symmetry, and definiteness.
ABRAHAM MASLOW considers beauty as ___________. The needs are universal, but at least some people in every culture seem to be motivated by the need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences
satisfying aesthetic needs
In _________, applicant selection sometimes suffers cognitive bias - error in evaluating. An example is the _________ - a cognitive bias of people to rate a single quality (attractiveness) more favorable than other traits
IO Psychology
In ________, people who are more attractive are more likely to get rich or be into politics
Social Psychology
In _____________, our preference for beauty is evident in nature. Animals consider stronger and more beautiful partners as mates
Evolutionary Psychology
Factors that Shape Self-Esteem
• Self thoughts and perceptions
• Views of other people
• Illness, disease, disabilities
• Age
• Social role and status
• Social Media
• Culture
It covers the emotional attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of a person towards their own body. This also includes how they control and sense their body.
Body image
• ________ is defined as “the degree to which a person’s physical traits are considered pleasing or beautiful. It is SUBJECTIVE
• it is Often a problem in self image happens when your looks do not match your beauty standards
• To have a positive self image and higher self-esteem one must fix beliefs about beauty
It includes accepting one’s sexuality, taking responsibility and clear your interpersonal motives
Sexual Self
• The development of the reproductive system begins after _________. After one-month __________ develop.
• The sex of a person is dependent to the _________ it has. A female has XX chromosome, whereas a male has XY chromosome
primordial gonads
______ - serves as primary erotic stimulus
Ex of erogenous zones:
Perianal Skin
Phases of sexual response cycle
Desire phase
Arousal phase
Plateau phase
Orgasm phase
Resolution phase
Sexual urges occur in response to sexual cues or fantasies
Desire phase
A subjective sense of sexual pleasure and physiological signs of sexual arousal in males, penile tumescence (increased flow of blood into the penis), in females, vasocongestion (blood pools in the pelvic area) leading to vaginal lubrication and breast tumescence (erect nipples)
Arousal stage
Brief period occurs before orgasm
Plateau phase
In males, feelings of the inevitability of ejaculation, followed by ejaculation; in females, contractions of the walls of the lower third of the vagina
Orgasm phase
Decrease in arousal occurs after orgasm (particularly in men).
Resolution phase
Hormones responsible for sexual activity
For males
For females
• Oxytocin
For males
• Luteinizing Hormone
• Vasopressin
For females
• Follicle-Stimulating Hormones
• Estrogen and Progesterone
It refers to the total expression of who you are as a human being, your femaleness or your maleness
refers to the biological and physiological between men and women
refers to the social and cultural differences between men and women
• Attracted to people of the opposite sex
• Attracted to people of one’s own sex
• Attracted to people of either sex
• Attracted to people of any gender identity
• Not sexually attracted to other people
It is how you choose to express your gender identity through your body features and behavior
Factors that influence sexuality and sexual orientation
• Family Influences
• Socio-cultural Factors
• Urban Setting
________ are diseases acquired through sexual contact
It can also be through
Sexual transmitted diseases
• Pregnancy
• Blood transfusion
• Sharing needles
Family Planning Methods (3)
Artificial method
Natural method
Surgical method
A. _________- use of chemicals/equipment to prevent conception
B. __________- this method does not use chemicals which might give side effects.
C. __________ - method that ensures conception is inhibited permanently after surgery.
Artificial Method
Natural Method
Surgical Method