2.1 Flashcards
The nature of beauty is one of the most enduring and controversial themes in _______.
western philosophy
Traditionally, it was among the ultimate values along with goodness, truth, and justice.
Beauty, traditionally, was among the ultimate values along with _______, ______, and ________.
goodness, truth, and justice
Beauty was a primary theme among _______, _______, and _________;
ancient Greek
medieval philosophers
By the beginning of the ___________, beauty was in decline as a subject of ____________. However, there were signs of revived interest by the early 2000s.
twentieth century
philosophical inquiry
The two most-debated views about beauty are:
- Beauty is objective
- Beauty is subjective
Before the _______, most Western philosophical views on beauty treated it as an _______ quality.
For example: (names)
18th century
• St. Augustine
• Plato
• Aristotle
He asked whether things were beautiful because it gave delight, or whether it gave delight because it was beautiful. He believed it to be the latter.
St. Augustine
He connected beauty as a response to love and desire.
________ asserted that beauty exists in the realm of 2.)______, and that objects are found beautiful because they are a _______ of the idea of beauty that already exist in the realm of 2.)______.
2. Forms
_________ asserted that the chief forms of beauty are ______, _______, and ________ that can be demonstrated by __________.
• Aristotle
• order, symmetry, and definiteness
• mathematical sciences
By the ________, beauty was associated with _______ as a _______.
Some philosophers who hold this view are:
18th century
personal preference
Some philosophers who hold this view are:
• David Hume
• Immanuel Kant
• Francis Hutcheson
_________ - “Beauty is no ______ in things themselves: It exists merely in the _____ which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.
One person may even perceive _______, where another is sensible of _______; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others”
David Hume
__________ - “The judgment of ______ is therefore not a judgment of _______, and is consequently not _______ but ________, by which we understand that whose determining ground can be no other than ______”
Immanuel Kant
___________ - “The perception of beauty does depend on the external sense of sight, however, the internal sense of beauty operates as an internal or reflex sense. The same is the case with hearing: hearing music does not necessarily give the perception of ________ as it is distinct from the hearing”
Francis Hutcheson
reflex sense
The term for a makeup artist in _________ is derived from the root “______” which means, “_______,_______.”
Egyptian hieroglyphic
to write, to engrave
_________ is an error in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or any other mental process that is often a result of holding on to one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information.
Cognitive bias
Cognitive bias is an error in _______, ________, ________, or any other mental process that is often a result of holding on to one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information.
reasoning, evaluating, remembering
Halo effect also known as the ____________________ and the “________________” principle
physical attractiveness stereotype
what is beautiful is good
_______ refers to the tendency of people to rate ________ more favorably for their ___________ or ___________ as compared to those who are less attractive.
Halo effect
attractive individuals
personality traits or characteristics
___________ found that ______ hold certain fundamental and important characteristics that could indicate a person’s quality as a romantic partner and as a mate.
evolutionary psychology
Among the most important and consistent factors in facial attractiveness are 1.)________ of the face.
This 1.)________ are also ________.
structural qualities
Our ________ sculpt our faces. These sex-typical facial features of adult men and women the result of the _________ to _______ ratio or estrogen to testosterone, respectively, acting on the individual during development.
testosterone to estrogen (v v)
For the _____ a beautiful body was considered direct evidence of a _________. They even had a word for it-________ - which meant being gorgeous to look at, and hence being a good person.
beautiful mind
_______ has a significant impact on how a person feels about himself or herself, as well as his or her ________.
body image
_______ can either be a positive or a negative influence on body image and on self-esteem.
Cultural traditions
________ is generally defined as how one thinks and feels toward one’s body
Body image
People see _____________ as an integral part of who they are. Hence, they are more likely to engage in events and behaviors that are related to their culture - choose friends, media, and even marital partners from their culture
cultural group membership
The term self-esteem was coined by _________ in _____.
William James
James presented self-esteem as the number of ________ a person achieves in the domains of life that are important to him or her, divided by the number of _______ that occurred in those areas.
In the ______s. _________ defined self-esteem in terms of an attitude concerning one’s ______ as a person
behavioral scientists
It is about how you value yourself and how you feel others value you.
It is how you view your |physical body|, whether you feel you are attractive, and how you feel some other people like your looks.
Body image
For many people, it isclosely linked to self-esteem.
Body image