2.3 Flashcards
In the “___________” trend report we are looking into the world of _________. Shopping has turned into a lifestyle.
I shop therefore I am
consumer culture
“Consume” is defined as “______, ________, _________.” (Gusdorf, 1978).
The definition shows that consumption has a négative connotation. There is, however, a positive side to consumption that is often neglected.
• use up, to spend wastefully, to destroy
Behind consumption, there is _______. _______ keep companies alive. These companies pay people whose earnings put food on the table. Such is the pattern of consumption. Thus, it cannot be denied that consumption is important.
Consumers are often portrayed as “______,” exploited by greedy companies. However, you should take note that every person has “free will.” Therefore, choices are important. As a consumer, free will comes with responsibility and obligation. _________ is about practicing responsible buying habits.
Conscious consumption
_____ (1993, p.7) argued that ______ is a symbolic idea.
______ is an image we build for ourselves through _______.
Thus, a person’s identity is ________ and ________. It is improved through ____________ with others and through different ways that a person interacts within the cultural atmosphere and social relations.
social interaction
dynamic and context-dependent
Factors that affect identity:
• Social relations of power, and
• Symbolic image of the world.
“Identity” as we know it is now mainly derived from the work of psychologist _______ in the 1950s. Identity may refer to:
a.) A social category defined by membership rules, characteristic attributes, or expected behaviors.
b.) Socially distinguishing features that an individual takes pride in having.
Erik Erikson
Studies have observed that every waking moment in a modern lifestyle has become a cycle of “____________________________” (Sassatelli, R, 2007, p.3). Slater (1997) outlined some main features and characters in consumer culture:
• A culture of consumption
• A culture of market society
• Is universal and impersonal
• Identifies freedom with private choice and life
• Are insatiable and unlimited
• Is a privileged medium for building personal identity status
alternating time-space for work and time-space for consumption
It is one of the strongest forces affecting modern people’s lives.
The term ___________ does not simply mean the constant barrage and intrusion of ads in our lives, but everything that is connected to the modern society’s idea that to be happier and more successful, we have to buy, buy, and buy.
The Problem with Consumerism
- 6.
- It is intrusive.
- It is manipulative.
- It cannot provide many of the things that are important to us.
- It restricts our choices and lives.
- It affects our worldviews and characters.
- It is unsustainable.
How to avoid consumerism? (2)
- Exercise intellectual independence
- Consume less, live
_________ is known as ___________, pertains to physical elements or possessions that reflect who you are
-William James
Material Self
economic self
Basic Components of Material Self
According to William James
_____ - innermost part
_____ - other belongings
_____ - Symbolism or representation of the self
Material Components
“I Shop Therefore I Am: I have therefore I am”
It is not what we think but what we own that identifies who we are
Barbara Kruger
It represents a relationship between the consumer and the goods or services he or she uses or consumes.
Consumer culture
Human desire to acquire products and goods in excess of one’s basic needs. Everything connected to modern society’s idea to be happier and more successful to buy
How many people worldwide now belong to the “consumer class”
1.7 billion
It is the group of people characterized by diets of highly processed food, desire for bigger houses, more and bigger cars, higher levels of debt, and lifestyles devoted to the accumulation of non-essential goods.
Consumer class
_____% of species could become extinct due to ________, which is very directly related to ________.”
climate change
Two ways of conscious consumption
Exercise intellectual independence
Consume less, live more