Chapter 20- Blood Vessels Flashcards
Lumen is oval in___?
Tunica Externa/Tunica Media Sizes?
Externa bigger in veins (elastic)
Media bigger in arteries (meaty)
Tunica Intima made of?
One layer of endothelial cells + elastic lamina
Tunica media made of?
Smooth muscle tissue (circular), can vasodilate or vasoconstrict
Tunica Externa made of?
Connective tissue that protects and holds in place
Types of vessels
Arteries, veins, capillaries
carry blood away from heart
Types of Arteries
Elastic, Muscular, Arteriole
Elastic-> Muscular-> Arteriole
Capillaries are ____ epithelial cells surrounded by_____.
One-cell thick, basement membrane
Big channel through middle of capillary from artery
Thoroughfare channel
Big channel through middle of capillary to vein
True capillaries
The actual capillary network that is not surrounded by precapillary sphincters
Precapillary sphincter
smooth muscle ring to stop blood flow in capillary
Walls of capillaries are permeable because of
Intercellular clefts and fenestrations
Types of capillaries
Continuous capillaries - intercellular cleft only (most common)
Fenestrated capillaries - intercellular cleft + fenestrations (kidney and small intestine)
Sinusoidal capillaries - Larger intercellular clefts and fenestrations (bone marrow and spleen)
bring blood to heart
% blood in venous circ at any point?
Veins stop backflow by:
Valves (found mostly in limbs
Skeletal Muscle pump
Arterial Blood flow in aorta
Aorta-> Left Subclavian/Left common carotid/ Right brachiocephalic
Left common carotid -> External carotid/ internal carotid
Right brachiocephalic-> Right common carotid/right subclavian
Right common carotid-> External carotid/ Internal carotid
Arteries of brain
Anterior Cerebral artery near olfactory nerve
Middle cerebral artery underneath temporal lobe
Internal carotid cut but turns into middle cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery forms the dorsal half of circle of menle
Posterior cerebral artery underneath cerebellum
R. Vertebral artery, L. vertebral artery comes along midbrain
Basilar artery is formed by R. Vertebral and L. Vertebral
Brachial arteries
Subclavian ->axillary-> Brachial-> Radial/Ulnar
Renal Arteries
Internal iliac/external iliac-> common iliac -> Aorta (which has branches, inferior mesenteric, superior mesenteric, celiac trunk (common hepatic, left gastric, splenic), Renal Arteries, Gonadal Arteries)
Celiac Trunk Artery (of the Abdominal Aorta)
Common hepatic artery-> liver(right)
Left Gastric artery-> lesser curve of stomach (top)
Splenic Artery-> spleen/greater curve of stomach (left)
Iliac Arteries
Common Iliac Artery-> Internal Iliac artery/External Iliac Artery-> External iliac Artery turns into femoral Artery past inguinal ligament
Femoral artery -> popliteal artery -> anterior tibial artery/posterior tibial artery/Peroneal Artery(Fibular artery)-> Lateral Plantar artery/ Medial Plantar artery
Leg Veins
Femoral Vein -> Great Saphenous/Popliteal-> Anterior Tibial/Posterior Tibial/Peroneal (fibular)/Small Saphenous-> Lateral Plantar/Medial Plantar (from Posterior tibial vein)
Inferior Vena Cava Branches
Hepatic veins
Renal Vein (has left gonadal vein)
Right gonadal vein located on IVC
Common Iliac vein-> external iliac/ internal iliac
Hepatic Portal Circulation
Arterial Blood -> capillary bed in stomach/intestine -> hepatic portal vein -> capillary bed in liver -> hepatic vein -> inferior vena cava
Superior Mesenteric Vein -> Hepatic Portal Vein
Inferior Mesenteric Vein -> Splenic Vein ->Hepatic Portal Vein
Brachial Veins
Subclavian vein -> Axillary/Cephalic-> Brachial/Basilic (from axillary)-> Radial/Ulnar(from Brachial vein)
Median cubital vein connects cephalic and basilic vein at elbow
Cephalic Veins
Brachiocephalic vein -> Internal Jugular/Subclavian -> External jugular/ Vertebral (from Subclavian vein)
Venous sinuses of brain
Superior Sagittal sinus (Top of Skull)
Inferior Sagittal Sinus (corpus callosum)
cavernous sinus (base of brain ventral to transverse)
Transverse sinus (Base of skull)
Internal jugular leads into transverse and cavernous
Superior Vena Cava and its branches
Right internal jugular vein/Right Subclavian Vein -> Right Brachiocephalic vein
Left IJ, Left Subclavian -> Left Brachiocephalic Vein
The two brachiocephalics form SVC