Chapter 20: Assessment of Fetal Age and Size in the Second and Third Trimester Flashcards
minimum distance between two bright echoes along the path of the ultrasound beam, which is half the spatial pulse length
axial resolution
Ratio of the BPD to the OFD
Cephalic Index
Fetus over 4,000 g ( 8lb 13 oz)
measurement from the frontal to the occipital obtained at the same level as the BPD
occipital-frontal diameter (OFD)
precision rate or the probability of disease
predictive value
expected birth date
estimated date of confinement
estimated delivery date
type of fetal age calculation that uses the first day of the last menstrual period rather than date of conception
gestational age
Differences in normal growth parameters
maternal smoking
each measurement type needs to be within a “cluster” ranging between <2mm and 3 mm
averaging of multiple measurements
two ways of listing fetal age in charts
list estimated age in weeks and days
use weeks and tenths of weeks
Fetal age is usually computed in _____
menstrual weeks
Normally conception takes place about ___ weeks after LMP
Birth normally occurs ___ weeks from LMP
last normal menstrual period
Routine measurements for fetal parameters
BPD, HC, AC, length of at least one extremity long bone
parameters obtained early in gestation are so small that any error in measurement due to limits of resolutions in the sonographer instrument used to operator error will be relatively larger
multiple fetal parameter
used to estimate fetal ages and weights
polynomial formulas
BPD carries a smaller interobserver variance or error, usually <__mm
BPD has lesser reliability after the ___ menstrual week
The BPD is measured from ____ skill table to _____ skull table
BPD can be measured routinely from ___ weeks gestation
BPD accuracy of predictive value
+/- 3 weeks from 29 weeks to LMPB
BPD should be obtained before __ weeks after LMP
circumference =
d1 + d2 x 1.57
measured from outer edge to outer edge of middle of frontal bone and occipital bone echoes
BPD/FOD x 100
used to determine if shape of transverse fetal skull can allow a reliable BPD measurement
cephalic index
long and narrow head
short BPD measurement
CI below normal
dolicocephalic head
BPD relatively wide
FOD short
CI greater than normal
reverse oxycephaly
often occurs late in pregnany or when crowding of the fetus puts pressure on the vertex of the skull, causing shortening of the vertical dimension of the skull and widening of both diameters of the transverse plane which may not affect CI
the distance from the outer edges of left and right fetal eyes
binocular measurements
valuable indicator of fetal growth because it reflects the development of abdominal organs such as liver and spleen
abdominal circumference
The abdominal circumference should be measured at the level of the ______ with ______ and perpendicular to the _____.
umbilical junction
portal vein
Favored view in AC demonstrates the confluence of the umbilical and portal veins in fetal liver called _______view.
hockey stick
Abdominal circumference =
1.57 x (d1 +d2)
accuracy of humerus, tibia, and ulna =
+/- 3 weeks at term
At term the accuracy of femur length is:
+/- 2.2 weeks
most commonly used parameter for estimating fetal age
femur length
Femur length can be reliably used after __ weeks gestation.
The recommended measurement of the humerus length
entire ossified portion of humerus to end of longest epicondyle
The ____ is the largest bone in the forearm and is medial in location
The ____ is the largest bone in the lower leg located medially.
forearm bones
lower leg bones
one of the most often sought parameters of fetal growth
associated with higher incidences of neonatal morbidity and death
low birth weight/IUGR
birth weight 4,000 g or higher
increase in weight prediction accuracy through measurement of soft tissue
3D imaging
Variables in weight
gestational age and sex
maternal height/weight at first visit
ethnic group
variation of a theme that uses parameters of the fetal head and abdomen or other sonographer parameters to estimate the relative fat content, as well as size of head and liver, and fetus’s length
The _____ is the most uniform organ
Femur length is usually proportional to ______
fetal length
powerful statistical tool for comparing the relative sizes of two parameters
ratio or nidex
parameter that is the so called “standard”
denominator of ratio
Compartive numerator in a ratio becomes larger
ratio increases