Chapter 20 Flashcards
asthma attacks can often be triggered by what?
exposed to stress
signs and symptoms of shock
restlessness, apprehension, anxiety, tachycardia, pallor, cold/clammy skin, decreased blood pressure
profound hemodynamic and metabolic disturbance, failure of circulatory system to maintain adequate perfusion to vital organs
subjective sensation or phenomenon that precedes the onset of a paroxysmal attack
automatic external defibrillator
device used for application of external electrical shock to restore normal cardiac rhythm and rate
cerebrovascular accident
sudden onset caused by acute vascular lesions of the brain
mild allergic reactions
itching, hives, nausea, vomiting
what are the warning signs of a stroke?
paralysis, slurred speech, dizziness, LOC, loss of vision
if a dressing on a wound becomes saturated, what should be done?
dressing should not be removed, apply pressure with sterile bandage/gauze
the initial process of CPR should being with what?
30 compressions, 2 inches deep
artificial substitution of heart and lung action
what does a patient with hyperglycemia need?
bodily injuries caused by physical means with disruption of the normal continuity of structures
symptoms of hypoglycemia
hungry, weak, shaky, sweaty, confused, irritable
what is the CPR ratio for infants?
escape of blood from the vessels
what are the three basic steps a healthcare worker should follow in the event of a seizure?
stay with patient
lay them down, support the head
turn patient on their side
cardiac arrest
sudden stoppage of cardiac output and effective circulation
wound dehiscence
separation of the layers of a abdominal surgical wound
why should the patient be assisted to a recumbent position with the feet elevated in the case of syncope?
increasing blood flow
ventricular fibrillation
disorganized cardiac rhythm
serious allergic reactions
shock, cardiac arrest, laryngeal edema
priorities when working with patients in emergent situations
ensure airway
control bleeding
prevent/treat shock
attend to wounds/fractures
emotional support
what should you note regarding a seizure that may be helpful to a patients caregiver?
when seizure began
symptoms following seizure
one sided/two sided
which body parts were involved
what findings in an alert or drowsy patient can signify a deteriorating head injury?
irritability, lethargy, slow pulse, slow respirations
different types of shock
hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic, vasogenic
what is a DNR?
order from patient or patients family to not intervene in a medical emergency
vascular reaction, upper dermis, localized edema, (HIVES)
what should the rescuer do on realization that a patient has experienced cardiac arrest?
initiate appropriate chain of events
patients who are experiencing cardiac arrest generally report what?
crushing chest pain
what is the difference between one person and two person CPR?
one person: multitask
two person: periodic switch of tasks