Chapter 2: Pet Foods (Hill) Flashcards
Main types of pet foods *
- dry
- canned/pouch
- soft-moist
- supplements and treats
- home-made: raw and cooked
treats should comprise what percent of diet? *
dry pet foods must have less than what percent moisture by AAFCO definitions? *
20% (most have ~10%)
canned/pouch food what percent moisture? *
> 65% (most have 75-80%)
which kind of food is generally lowest in fat? *
____ food usually has higher fat/protein than dry food *
soft moist food what percent moisture? *
20-65% (most have 30%)
humectants (i.e. sorbitol) are commonly added to: fx? *
soft moist foods. Fx = Bind water to prevent spoilage
p food market categories *
- popular (national brands)
- premium (therapeutic/life stage)
- generic (local)
- supplements/treats
- therapeutic/life stage
- raw/home-cooked
First 3 are generally complete and balanced
disadvantages of home made diets *
- usually deficient in essential nutrients
- animals pick/choose
- time consuming
- not tested on animals
danger of uncooked foods *
- often contain pathogens
- often unbalanced
- not good to feed to young, old, pregnant, sick
- no “only raw” nutrient
- public health risk
dietary supplement health and education act.
- restricted FDA’s authority in humans
- “implied consent” for increased use in animals but not generally recognized as safe in pet food
neutroceuticals and food additivies have variable: *
quality, consistency, absorbability, and potency
T or F: health claims are not allowed for p neutraceut. and food additives *
general marketing strategy for pet foods *
increase # of brnads = increased shelf space = increased market share
2 other common p food marketing strategies *
anthropomorphism, niche targeting
p food is regulated on the federal/state/both level? *
AAFCO = ? What are its duties? *
association of american feed control officials.
- Reviews labels and sets standards (definitions of feed ingredients, min/max recommendations, testing procedures, etc.)
- Does NOT make/enforce laws.
- A consultatory body only; each state can choose whether or not to follow its recommendations
What is “meat”? *
striated muscle from skeletal, heart, diaphragm, or esophagus
what are “meat by-products”? *
spleen, liver, kidney, bone, blood, fat, intestine
what is “meat by-product meal”? *
meat by-product that has been rendered to remove fat
What is required in the guaranteed analysis? *
crude protein/fat/fiber, moisture
what is NOT required in the guaranteed analysis (but often is)? *
ash, carbohydrate
ingredient list is ordered by: *
which state is the most strict about enforcement of feed regulations? *
Dry foods are generally energy dense and inexpensive *
decreased water content –> palatability
problem with using propylene glycol as a humectant
causes oxidative damage to RBCs and a Heinz body anemia in cats
therapeutic and life stage diets are considered ____ brands *
why should you not add vitamins/minerals to commercial pet foods? *
unbalance a balanced diet! May lead to toxicity
When may addition of vitamins/minerals to diet be indicated?
- balance a home-cooked diet
- pharm. action
- in some obese dogs w/ low energy requirements
exces liver fed to cats —>
vitamin A toxicosis
nutritional hyperparathyroidism is caused by: **
feeding too much meat which contains too little Ca. Lowers Ca:P ratio and results in Ca leaching from bones and pathologic fractures
adding additional Ca to diet of growing dogs —>
basic ingredients of home-made diets
protein, carb, and fat sources, multivitamin, potassium, dicalcium phosphate or bone meal
home-cooked food should comprise less than ___ percent of the diet
BARF diet
bones and raw food (mimics “wild” diet)
4D meat
raw meat product of dead, diseased, dying, or down animals at time of slaughter
dogs are carnivores/omnivores?
T or F: salmonellsa is regularly isolated from animal AND vegetable components of animal feed
Alabama rot
disease of E. coli in racing greyhounds. Causes vasculitis, cutaneous necrosis, renal failure, and death.
Aujesky’s virus infection
(pseudorabies). Lethal dz in dogs/cats from consuimg infected pork
disadvantages of bones
- esophageal obstruction
- obstipation (colonic impaction)
substance other than food intended to affect structure or function of body or to treat or prevent dz
feed additive
ingredient added to fulfull a need, not GRAS and not nutrient, usually microquantities. (ex-preservatives, anitbiotics)
neutraceutical/functional food
nutrient with drug like character
plant valued for medicinal properties
____ reduces the risk of one food being accidentally deficient
meat alone can’t constitute a balanced diet without viscera
T or F: there is no evidence that any preservatives are detrimental to animal health
T or F: several recipes may be used for each brand name
most pet foods are more than ___% digestible
most pet food recalls are for:
recalled in 2007. An inexpensive protein source that auses uroliths
proprietary diet
attempts to deliver average nutrients midway b/w max and min requirements est. in normal animals
crude fiber is a good/bad measure of fiber content *
“Natural” =
no chemically synthesized ingredients besides vitamins minerals and trace nutrients
Is “organic” defined?
Yes, by USDA
Is “holistic” defined?
“human edible”
product that is legally suitable and approved for consumption by a person (USDA, FDA)
Principle display panel includes:
- manufacterer’s name/address
- brand name
- product name
- designator (i.e. “for cats”)
- net weight
- product vignette (picture)
Information panel includes:
- nutritional adequacy claim (required for all foods except treats/snacks)
- ingredient list
- guaranteed analysis
- manufacterer/distributor name/address
- feeding directions
- calorie content
- comparison claims (i.e. low calorie)
- other claims (i.e. “organic”)
For comparison claims, “less or reduced calorie or fat” must state:
% reduction and product to which the comparison is made in same processing group
> 70% total product
“beef dinner”
> 10% total product
“with beef” or “and beef”
> 3% of ingredient excluding water
“beef flavor”
recognizable by pet
“stew” “in gel” “in gravy” “in aspic”
> 78% water
Uniform State Feed Bill and Regulations
permits manufacturers to develop one label for use in all 50 states
adulturated food
food containing noxious substance or lacking essential nutrient
misbranded food
with false or misleading label or missing required info
The sale of p food is regulated by:
FDA, Dept. of Ag.
ADVISORY committee = AAFCO
Federal Trade Commission
regulates advertising including labels, prohibits false statements
The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
defines size and location of info on label
regulations requires statement “animal (dog/cat) food” to distinguish from human food