Chapter 2 Flashcards
what are the steps to the scientific method?
- frame a research question
- conduct a literature review
- form a hypothesis
- design a study
- conduct a study
- analyze the data
- report the results
replication of a study is important because….
rules out possibility that a feature of the original study led to results
more replication = more confidence
our research world is free from experimenter bias
the world exists in a direct, observable and, measurable manner
the world is organized into cause and effect relationships
independent variable
controlled by experimenter
variable of interest/manipulation
participants experience different amounts of the IV
dependent variable
uncontrolled by experimenter
participants report different amounts of the DV based on levels of IV
Dependent measures - measurement of variable
Descriptive research
involve observing a variable to describe that variable objectively
examples - case studies, observation, and self report methods
pitfalls of research
reactivity, observer bias, and the Experimenter Expectancy Effect
correlational research
correlation does not prove causation
directionality problem
which one caused changes in the other?
third variable problem
does some other variable influence both?
experimental group
group that receives “treatment”
control group
does NOT receive “treatment”
random sampling
a certain number of people taken from a population at random
random assignment
placing participants in control and experimental groups randomly
construct validity
does the study measure what it intended?
external validity
can the results be generalized?
internal validity
are the observed results due to the manipulation?
how stable and consistent is the measure over time?
little Albert
generalized fear experiment
classically conditioned the baby’s fear of animals