Chapter 18: Sexual Coercion Flashcards
What is the Canadian definition for Sexual Assault?
- Any non-consensual sexual activity ranging from unwanted touching to forced oral, anal or vaginal intercourse, to violence in which the victim is wounded or maimed or his/her life is endangered or when the victim is incapable of giving consent.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
1. In Canada (2009): __,___ sexual assaults were reported to the police.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
2. Incidences of sexual assault are over reported or under reported?(give a stat with answer choice)
- under reported
L> estimated that only 8% of ALL sexual assaults are reported.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
3. Who are 4x more likely to be sexually assaulted?
- women with disabilities
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
4. Who are the most vulnerable to sexual assault? (age range?)
- young women
L> 16 to 19
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome): 1. Emotional Reactions? (3) L> when do they peak? L> how long to they remain strong? L> can continue for how long?
- peak at 3 weeks
- remain strong for 2-3 months
- can continue for years
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
2. What is one of the most common reactions?
- self blame
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
3. Physical harm can occur including ___ and ____. _% of rapes result in the latter.
- AIDS and pregnancy
L> 5%
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
4. Victims can be marked by severe ___ problems.
- sexual
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
5. The impact is more severe for those that are raped at a(n) ____ age and those in certain ___ where stigma is great.
- a young age
- ethnic
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common where?
on college campuses
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common on college campuses. In Canada ___% of women reported experiencing sexual coercion in 1993.
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common on college campuses. Over the past __ years it has been going down due to more ___ and ___ = a decrease by ___%. (Canada?)
- 10 years
- control and awareness
- 50%
Sexual assault sometimes involves male-female ______.
Sexual assault sometimes involves male-female miscommunication including what three things?
L> which of the three has the most research support?
- failure to read women’s emotions
- failure to distinguish friendliness and seductiveness
- belief that women do not communicate honestly ( this one has the most research support)
What are the three characteristics of date-rapists?
- often attempt to seduce a date
- use a variety of manipulative techniques
- falsely profess love
What are some examples of date rape drugs and their effects?( 2 drugs discussed in class; effects?)
- Rohypnol ( flunitrazepam)
- GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate)
L> they cause sleep and amnesia
What are the two theoretical causes of rape?( just list)
- Cultural values
2. Scripts
Theoretical causes of rape:
1. Cultural values
L> what were the three points made for this theoretical cause?
- gender inequality
- pornography
- social disorganization
L> ex: war zones etc
Theoretical causes of rape:
2. Scripts ex?
- e.g. “If you spend money on a woman you should expect something in return”
Explain the two points that pertaining to “Sexually aggressive heterosexual men”!
L> issues with the statement basically! <= hint
- There is no typical sexual aggressor
2.Rapists are narcissistic, but so are most serious criminal offenders
L> not all are! some have low self worth
Describe the four factors that predispose college males to engage in sexual coercion of women that was described by Malamoth in 1998.
L> whats important to note about these?
- violent home environment
- juvenile delinquency
- sexual promiscuity
- hostile attitudes towards women
L> these are statistically the most frequent factors!
What are three things that increase the likelihood of sexual coercion by men?
- if they had a history of childhood abuse
- if they have a large number of sexual partners in adolescence
- if they have trouble expressing their feelings and who show little empathy with other people.
Is there a lot of information on men as victims of sexual coercion?
- no very little
L> see text (awkotaco)
Prison Rape:
- In a sample of US prisons in 1996, ___% of men and ___% of women had been the objects of sexual coercion. Over time these percentages have gone up/down. What does this tell us about prison rape and its frequency of occurrence?
- 22%
- 7%
- down
- that it is not as common as the public believes
Ethnicity and Rape:
1. Are white and black women just as likely to be raped?What about reporting the rape?
- white and black women are equally as likely to be raped
- HOWEVER black women are less likely to report it .
Ethnicity and Rape:
- Are black and white women equally strongly affected (emotionally) by rape?
- yes
Ethnicity and Rape:
- Latinas in LA were less/more likely to have been raped (%) in comparison to Anglos (%). Differences in the cultural attitudes of whom are thought to be responsible for this?
- 8.1%
- 19.9%
- males
What are the four rapist typological profiles by Knight and Prentky, 1990? Also list subtypes if relevant.
- The Opportunistic Type
- The Pervasively Angry Rapist
- The Sexual Type:
a) Sadistic Type
b) Nonsadistic Type - The Vindictive Type
Rapist Typological Profiles by Knight and Prentky:
1. The Opportunistic Type? (4)
- describe the four points
L> also is this type aggressive or not?(usually)
- Impulsive, showing little or no planning or preparation
- Has a history of unsocialized behaviour of various types
- No concern for the welfare of their victims
- The goal is immediate sexual gratification rather than the enactment of highly developed scripts or fantasies
* ** not aggressive…
Rapist Typological Profiles by Knight and Prentky:
- The Pervasively Angry Rapist (5)
- Describe the five points about this profile
- Has poor behavioural control
- The degree of force used is excessive and gratuitous ( over kill)
- The violence is an integral component and occurs even when the victim is fully compliant.
- Resistance from the victim is likely to exacerbate the violence.
- The violence is a general lifestyle characteristic that is directed towards males and females alike.
* * nothing against women specifically**
Rapist Typological Profiles by Knight and Prentky:
- The Sexual Type:
a) Sadistic Type(2)
- Humiliation of the victim and infliction of physical harm is arousing
- These men create and act out elaborate fantasies, indicating significant planing and rehearsal preceding the assault.
Rapist Typological Profiles by Knight and Prentky:
- The Sexual Type:
b) Nonsadistic Type(3)
- Fantasies are of exaggerations of masculine and feminine stereotypes.
- Relatively little interpersonal aggression in general social interactions.
- Often socially isolated with low masculine self image and feelings of sexual inadequacy.
* *** not agressive **
Rapist Typological Profiles by Knight and Prentky:
4. The Vindictive Type
- The anger is specifically directed towards the women
- It is not part of a general predisposition towards anger.
- The act is designed to degrade and humiliate the victim, but this of itself is not sexually arousing
- The aggress is not eroticized; he/she may fantasize about and plan the rape, but the fantasy focuses on the aggression not the sexual arousing.
Cognitive Components and Rape: What are Rapists Thinking?
1. Rape-supportive beliefs? What are the three discussed in class?
- acceptance of rape myths ( see scale devised by Burt, 1980)
- acceptance of adversarial sexual beliefs
L> ex: women manipulate men and should be not trusted
3.acceptance of interpersonal violence
Sexual preoccupation, hypersexuality and deviant arousal.
A. Rapists spend more like thinking about?
A. sex
B. They are more sexually active but not as active as they want to b.
C. They are more aroused by reading and hearing.
D. They seem themselves as unable to control their own thoughts and behaviour.
Sexual Scripts:
- What are the two sexual scripts in relation to rapes?
- Fantasy
2. Premeditation
Sexual Scripts:
1. Fantasy?? (2)
- Their sexual fantasies are more likely to involve forced sex, but often claim that their fantasies are exclusively about normal sexual interactions.
- They seem to be more highly stimulated by the fantasy.
Sexual Scripts:
2. Premeditation (2)
- Date rapists tend to premeditate sex, not rape; they do not see themselves as rapists.
- In incarcerated offenders, 3/4 stated that the rape wasn’t important.
Sexual harassment?
harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks. (wiki)
L> see text!
Intimate Partner Violence
- 1/3 of women are killed by their partner
2. poverty is a high risk factor to fall victim and inability of leaving etc.
- __% of stalls, male and females. (78%- females)
- with this there are three types, what are they?
- Intimate partner stalkers
- Delusional stalker
- Grudge Stalking
- __% of stalkers = male; __% victims: male/female?
- 87%
- 78%
- female
- ___ obsession with a target individual
- emotional
1. Intimate partner stalkers
- motivated by rejection and anger or suspicion
2. Delusional stalker
- characterized by deluding beliefs of love or potential love.
- are socially inept persons with few intimate relationships
3. Grudge Stalking
- revenge for some action or imagined harm
- it can lead to ___ or ____ assault.
- physical
- sexual