Chapter 18: Sexual Coercion Flashcards
What is the Canadian definition for Sexual Assault?
- Any non-consensual sexual activity ranging from unwanted touching to forced oral, anal or vaginal intercourse, to violence in which the victim is wounded or maimed or his/her life is endangered or when the victim is incapable of giving consent.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
1. In Canada (2009): __,___ sexual assaults were reported to the police.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
2. Incidences of sexual assault are over reported or under reported?(give a stat with answer choice)
- under reported
L> estimated that only 8% of ALL sexual assaults are reported.
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
3. Who are 4x more likely to be sexually assaulted?
- women with disabilities
Incidence of Sexual Assault:
4. Who are the most vulnerable to sexual assault? (age range?)
- young women
L> 16 to 19
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome): 1. Emotional Reactions? (3) L> when do they peak? L> how long to they remain strong? L> can continue for how long?
- peak at 3 weeks
- remain strong for 2-3 months
- can continue for years
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
2. What is one of the most common reactions?
- self blame
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
3. Physical harm can occur including ___ and ____. _% of rapes result in the latter.
- AIDS and pregnancy
L> 5%
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
4. Victims can be marked by severe ___ problems.
- sexual
Impact of Sexual Assault: Post-traumatic stress disorder ( rape trauma syndrome):
5. The impact is more severe for those that are raped at a(n) ____ age and those in certain ___ where stigma is great.
- a young age
- ethnic
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common where?
on college campuses
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common on college campuses. In Canada ___% of women reported experiencing sexual coercion in 1993.
Social sexual assault by someone who is known to the victim is very common on college campuses. Over the past __ years it has been going down due to more ___ and ___ = a decrease by ___%. (Canada?)
- 10 years
- control and awareness
- 50%
Sexual assault sometimes involves male-female ______.
Sexual assault sometimes involves male-female miscommunication including what three things?
L> which of the three has the most research support?
- failure to read women’s emotions
- failure to distinguish friendliness and seductiveness
- belief that women do not communicate honestly ( this one has the most research support)
What are the three characteristics of date-rapists?
- often attempt to seduce a date
- use a variety of manipulative techniques
- falsely profess love
What are some examples of date rape drugs and their effects?( 2 drugs discussed in class; effects?)
- Rohypnol ( flunitrazepam)
- GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate)
L> they cause sleep and amnesia
What are the two theoretical causes of rape?( just list)
- Cultural values
2. Scripts
Theoretical causes of rape:
1. Cultural values
L> what were the three points made for this theoretical cause?
- gender inequality
- pornography
- social disorganization
L> ex: war zones etc