Chapter 18- Program Design And Technique For PLYOmetric Training Flashcards
_____ exercise refers to those activities that enable a muscle to reach maximal force in the shortest possible time. Means to increase measurement.
Plyometric. Exercise
___ exercise is a quick, powerful movement using a pre stretch, or counter movement, that involves the stretch shortening cycle
When used correctly plyo metric activity has been shown to improve the production of muscle ___and ___. mechanical and neurophysiological.
In _______ ____, elastic energy in the musculotendinous components is increased with rapid stretch and then stored. When the movement is immediately followed by a concentric muscle action, the stored energy is released increasing the total force production.
Mechanical model
Of the mechanical models many elements, it is the SEC ____ ____ ____ that is the workhorse of plyo exercise.
Series elastic component
The ___ constitute the majority of the SEC
The ____ _____ involves the potentiation (change in the force- velocity characteristic of the muscles contractile components caused by the stretch
Neurophysiological model
The __ reflex is the body’s involuntary response to an external stimulus that stretches the muscles.
The stretch reflex
The stretch reflex of plyo is primarily composed of muscle spindle activity.
_____ ______ are proprioceptive organs that are sensitive to the rate and magnitude of a stretch.
Muscle spindles
During plyo exercises the muscle spindles are stimulated by a rapid stretch causing a reflex muscle action.
The stretch shortening cycle employees the energy storage capabilities of the SEC and stimulation of the stretch reflex to facilitate a maximal increase in muscle recruitment over a initial amount of time. The SSC involves 3 distinct phases:
- Eccentric: stretch of the agonist
- Amortization: pause between phases 1 and 2.
- Concentric: shortening of agonist muscle fibers
Lower body plyo:
Track Sprinting Soccer Volleyball Basketball Football Baseball
The efficiency of these three is essential to the proper performance of plyo exercises. With a jumper. As soon as the movement begins in an upward direction, the AMORTIZATION phase has ENDED and the CONCENTRIC phase has begun. The gastroc muscle is the agonist. Upon touchdown the muscle undergoes rapid stretch (ECCENTRIC), there is a delay in movement (AMORTIZATION), and then the muscle plantar flexes the ankle allowing the athlete to push off the ground (CONCENTRIC)
Plyo drills for upper body include:
Med ball throws, catches, push-ups
Plyo metric intensity is the amount of stress placed on involved muscles, connective tissues, and joints.
Depth jumps place high stress on muscles and joints
Generally as intensity increases.. Volume should ____
Factors that affect Plyometric intensity:
- Points of contact
- Speed
- Heigh of the drill
- Body weight
____ is the number of Plyometric training sessions per week and typically ranges from one to three depending on the sport, the athletes experience with plyo training, and the time of year.
48-72 hours between plyo sessions is a typical recovery time.
The time between sets is determined by a proper work to rest ratio (1:5-1:10) and is specific to the volume and type of drill being performed. Drills should not be thought of as cardio conditioning but as power training.
Plyometric ____ is typically expressed as a number of reps and sets performed during a given training session
Most plyo programs range from 6-10 weeks.
Steps for implementing a plyo training program:
- Evaluate the athlete, training history
- Establish sport, athlete specific goals
- Assign proper plyo training addressing intensity, frequency, recovery, volume, and program length
- Teach the athlete proper jumping, landing, and throwing technique
- Properly progress the plyo training program
_______ overload is the systematic increase in training frequency, volume and intensity in various combinations.
Progressive overload
As in any training program, plyo exercise session must begin with a general warmup, stretching, and specific warmup. The specific warmup should consist of low intensity, _____ movements
Dynamic movements
Plyo warm up drills:
Marching Jogging Skipping Footwork Lunging
Combine lower body resistance training with upper body plyo.
____ is the maintenance of a position without movement for a given period of time.
Pertaining eval of the athlete for safety
Physical characteristic
Equipment and facilities:
Landing surface: grass, suspended, rubber
Training area: ceiling 3-4 meters (10-13 feet)
Equipment: box height from 6-42 inches, sturdy wood or metal
Proper footwear:
Lower body plyo drills:
Two foot ankle hop Single leg ankle hop Jump in place Jump and reach Double leg tuck jumps Split squat jump Cycled split squat jump Single leg tuck jump Pike jump Standing jumps Single leg vertical jump Jump over barriers Standing long jump