Chapter 13- Administration, Scoring, And Interpretation Of Selected Tests Flashcards
Anaerobic capacity is quantified as the maximal power output achieved during activity lasting
A. Less than 10 second
B. 30-90 seconds
C. 2-3 minutes
Which of the following tests is NOT used to measure maximum muscular power?
A. Vertical jump
B. 40 years sprint
C. 1Rm power clean
Which of the following is a reason for a trail of the T-test to be disqualified
A. Touching the base of cone D
B. Shuffling from cone C to cone D
C. Crossing the feet from cone B to cone C
Such abilities may be called components of ___ _____ that is the ability to respond effectively to the various physical demands of the specific sport or event.
Athletic performance
Maximal strength test usually involve relatively low movement speeds and therefore reflect LOW SPEED MUSCULAR STRENGTH
Low speed strength
___ ___ is related to the force a muscle or muscle group can exert in one maximal effort while maintaining proper form, 1 RM
Muscular strength
The first attempt of 1 RM starts with about 50% of the athletes estimated 1 RM for warmup.
Rest 1-5 minutes depending on difficulty of the movement
High speed muscular strength or ___ ___ __ ___ or anaerobic power is related to the ability of muscle tissue to exert high force while contracting at high speed.
Maximal anaerobic muscular power
High speed max muscular power test are often called maximal anaerobic power tests.
1 RM of power clean, push jerk, snatch, the height of a vertical jump or time to sprint up a staircase.
ATP stored in the muscles are the primary energy source for both slow and high speed test.
Explosive-1 secon
Low speed- 2-4 seconds
Power output reflects both ___ and ___
Force and velocity
The height of the jump is a function of the ___ put into the ground and the ___ at which the athlete leaves the ground.
Force, velocity
Moving a heavier body at the same speed requires a higher power output.
The cycle ergo meter can test anaerobic power: wingate test: 30 seconds
____ capacity is the maximal rate of energy production by the combine phosphagen and anaerobic glycolotic energy systems for moderate duration activities.
Anaerobic capacity
____ capacity is typically quantified as the max power output during muscular activity between 30-90 seconds using a variety of test for upper and lower body as opposed to maximal anaerobic power which last a few seconds
Anaerobic capacity
____ muscular endurance is the ability of certain muscles or muscle groups to perform repeated contractions against a Submaximal resistance.
A ___ muscular endurance test should be performed in a continuous manner for several seconds to several minutes without the advantage of rest periods and without extraneous body movements.
Examples of local muscular endurance test would be max chin ups, dips or push-ups.
With fixed load
___ capacity, also called aerobic power, is the max rate at which an athlete can produce energy through oxidation of energy sources (carbs, fats, proteins) and is usually expressed as a volume of oxygen consumed per kilogram of BW per minute
Aerobic capacity
Few professionals have the equipment to measure oxygen consumption directly, so aerobic capacity is generally estimated by performance in aerobic endurance activities such as running 1 mile or more.
It can also be estimated using other field tests such as the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) test and the Yo YO intermittent recovery test
___ has traditionally been considered the ability to stop, start, and change the direction of the whole body rapidly
Agility consist of two main components:
- Speed in changing direction
2. Cognitive factors
Test for agility:
T-test, 505 agility test, and pro agility test are used to assess change of direction
____ is movement distance per unit time and is typically quantified as the time taken to cover a fixed distance
The time taken to sprint from a stationary start over a short distance such as 10 yards reflects ACCELERATION, whereas longer sprints such as 40 yards would measure max speed.
Using a stop watch to administer a test can be a major source of measurement error, especially is the tester is not sufficiently trained.
Professionals are encouraged to use electronic timing devices for tests of speed and agility
____ can be defined as the range of motion about a body joint
Typical devices measuring flexibility would be:
Manual and electical goniometers, which measure joint angle, and sit and reach box, which is used to evaluate the combined flexibility of the lower back and hips
____ stretching can not be allowed during flexibility test
Ballistic stretching
___ is the ability to maintain static and dynamic equilibrium or the ability to maintain the body’s center of gravity over its base of support.
___ is a measure of the ability to retur to a desired position following a disturbance to the system.
____ ___ usually refers to the relative proportions by weight of fat and lean tissue
Body comp
With a trained and competent tester, the ___ technique is most reliable for assessing the fat.
DeXa and hydrostatic weighing are other body comp options
Body comp
____ which is the science of measurement applied to the human body, generally includes measurements of height, weight, and selected body girths
Usually height is measure with a stadiometer but if not available can use a tape measure. Without shoes. To the nearest quarter inch or half centermeter
The most accurate body mass or body weight measurement is performed with a certified balance scale which is more reliable than a spring scale and should be calibrated.
Max muscular strength test:
1 RM bench
1RM bench pull
1 RM back squat
Max muscular power test:
1 RM power clean Standing long jump Vertical jump Static vertical jump Reactive strength index Margaria-kalamen test
Anaerobic capacity test:
300 yard shuttle
Local muscular endurance test:
Partial curl up
YMCA bench press test
Aerobic capacity test:
1.5 mile run
12 minute run
Yo-YO intermittent recovery test
Max aerobic speed
Agility test:
Hexagon test
Pro agility test
505 agility test
SPeed test:
Straight line sprint test
Balance and stability test:
Balance error scoring system (BESS)
Star excursion balance test (SEBT)
Flexibility test:
Sit and reach test
OH squat
Body comp:
Skin fold: Chest-diagonal fold Thigh-vertical fold Abdomen-vertical fold Triceps- vertical fold Supraillium- diagonal fold Midaxilla- vertical fold Subscap- diagonal Calf -vertical fold
Chest- nipple level for men, above the Breast for women
Right upper arm
Right forearm
Waist- abdomen- belly button
Hips- buttocks at the max width
Right half
A ___ score is the difference between an athlete’s score at the beginning and end of a training period or between any two separate testing times.
Difference score
____ is the science of collecting, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data
___ is the average of the scores
____ is the middle most score when a set of scores are arranged in order
___ is the score that occurs with the greatest frequency
The degree of dispersion of scores within a group is called ___
Two common measures of variability are the range and the ___ ___
Standard deviation
The ___ is the interval form the lowest to the highest score
An individual’s _____ rank is the percentage of test takers scoring below that individual
Percentile rank
Ex) if an athlete is in the 75th percentile, 75% of the group produced scores below that athletes score.