Chapter 18 Flashcards
Interest Groups (4)
- support candidates who favor their ideas, but they don’t nominate candidates for office
- only concerned with a few issues
- don’t try to gain members with different points of view
- organized on the basis of common values, not geographic location
Purpose of Interest Groups
help bridge the gap between the citizen and the government
Political power of Interest Groups (2)
- stronger bargaining position with leaders in government, but only proportionally
- draws from the financial resources and expertise of its many members
practice of approaching senators and reps in the outer room or lobby of a capital
Lobbyists (4)
- meet personally with congressmen
- provide legislators with pamphlets, reports, etc.
- provide info by testifying before congressional committees
- help congressmen draft proposes bills
Interest groups seek support through… (2)
- media campaigns
- letter writing
Limitations on Interest Groups (3)
- different interest groups compete for power and influence –> no one is the most powerful;
- larger groups may not be able to adopt broad policy goals
- smaller groups are more effective in shaping policy
FECA and Revenue Act of 1971
a PAC must register with the government 6 months before the election
Federal Election Commission
issues regulations and advisory opinions that control PAC activities
Political Socialization factors that shape Public Opinion (7)
- Family and Home Influence
- Schools
- Peer Groups
- Social Characteristics
- The Mass Media
- Government leaders, congressmen, interest groups
- Political Efficacy (individual’s feelings of effectiveness in politics)
Political Culture
sets general boundaries within which citizens develop and express their opinions
Liberal Ideology (3)
- government should actively promote health, education, and justice
- increase equality
- government shouldn’t restrict most individual freedoms
Conservative Ideology (3)
- limiting role of government
- private individuals should solve social problems
- oppose government limitations on business
Moderate Ideology
want government to regulate business and support traditional values
free markets and unrestricted speech