Chapter 17: Enlightenment Flashcards
Bernard de Fontenelle
Spread the ideas of the scientific revolution
Secretary of the French Royal Academy of Science
Deep understanding of science
Wrote the fiction “Plurality of World” to explain modern cosmology
Immanuel Kant
German philosopher
Emphasized “Dare to know” which meant break free of tradition and use your own mind to make discoveries
Pierre Bayle
Believed in complete religious toleration
Wrote “historical and critical dictionary” which attacked many religious beliefs and heroes
Charles Louis Montesquieu
Believed in Checks and Balances to balance power
Used scientific method with social and political ideas
was french nobility
was a great writer
Felt strongly about french injustice
thought that England was much better
Strong feelings on freedom of thought, political and religious freedom
Believed that god had no direct contact with the world he created (deism)
Denis Diderot
Attacked Christianity as a bad and absurd religion
wrote the encyclopedia which changed the mindset of many of religious toleration and superstition
Herbert of Cherbury & Deism
Deism is the idea that god created the world but doesnt have an active contact with the world he just lets it run as a machine
David Hume
The pioneer for the science of man
Francois Quesnay
Leader of the Physiocrats
Wanted to find the natural economic laws that governed society
Believed that agriculture was the true source of wealth, thought government should stay out of trade aka mercantilism = bad
Adam Smith
Wrote wealth of nations
Thought that mercantilism was bad, free trade was fundamental, labor was the true source of wealth,
Created economic liberalism: the economic liberty of an individual
Condorcet & Baron d’Holbach
Strong atheist/materialist
Believed that god was merely a creation of the human mind
All humans are machines
Jean Jaques Rousseau
Believed in educations should go with where you heart leads you
Made the social contract that said that the majority ruled
Wrote the social contract
Mary Wollstonecraft
Huge feminist
Pointed out the contradictions of Rousseau’s work
saying that women shouldn’t be like slaves and that women deserved equal rights
Marie Therese de Geoffrin
Hosted Salons and allowed the encyclopedia to be worked on in secret via her house
Jacques Louis David
Neoclassical artist
Oath of Horatii
Johann Sebastian Bach
Directed church music at the Church of Saint Thomas
Music was to honor god according to Bach
Part of the new spread of classical music and the opera
George Fredrick Handel
Wrote large unusual sounding pieces
Wrote the Messiah
Wrote for large audiences
Franz Joseph Haydn
Spent much of his life as a musical director
Used England as inspiration to write for the common people as opposed to just the nobility
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Child prodigy
Could never find a permanent patron
Wrote The Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni
Considered a genius of music
Edward Gibbon
Thought the collapse of Rome was due to the growth of Christianity
Cesare Beccaria
Wrote On Crimes and Punishment
Thought the death penalty was used to often and to widely
Didn’t believe in torture to reveal guilt
Thought imprisonment to take away freedom was a good method of punishment
Count Von Zinzendorf
Lead the pietism movement which emphasized the personal experience of god
Completely opposed to rationalist religion
John Wesley
Started the Methodist religion
Relied on mystical experience for salvation
Appealed to the lower classes
Gottfried Leibniz
Worked with Winkelman
Invented calculus without newton
George Berkeley
Immaterialism is the only way to secure common sense was science + religion against skepticism
Major influence in calculus