Chapter 12: Renaissance Flashcards
Lived from 1475-1564
Painted Sistine Chapel
sculpted David
Was close to Lorenzo Medici
Lived 1377-1446
Finished dome of the Cathedral of Florence
Made church of San Lorenzo
Treaty Of Lodi
Peace treaty that eventually included all major city states
Established balance of powers
Francisco Sforza
Seized control of Milan in 1447. Held control by using excessive taxation
House of Medici
Ruled Florence for 2 centuries
Had major artistic influence
Greatest bank in Europe
A belief/philosophy that focuses on the human experience. Characterized by renewed interest in classical/ancient (original) texts, especially Greek & Roman relies heavily on critical thinking, observation, scientific theory and research, and a shift toward secular thought and study over religious thought and study
Johannes Gutenberg
Invented the printing press
His bible was the first printed
Italian christian preacher and reformer
Giorgio Vasari
Lived 1511-1574
Wrote biographies of Italian artists
Suleiman the Magnificent
Emperor of Ottoman Empire
Spread their territories north
Hanseatic League
An economic coalition of small northern German and Scandinavian
War of the Roses
Civil war in England
Yorks-“white rose”
Lancaster-“red rose”
Lasted over 30 years till Richard 3 of York was killed
Henry 3 became ruler and started the Tudor Dynasty
Ferdinand and Isabella
Spain Isabella of Castille Ferdinand of Aragon Married in 1469 Unified their countries through their marriage Strengthened military forces Had two daughters no sons
Leonardo Da Vinci
Lived 1452-1519
Painted the Last Supper
Used science (human dissection) to make realistic art
Transitional artist into high renaissance
Ideal not always realistic
Pico Della Mirandola
“Man is the measure of all things”
Lived from 1463-1494
Heremetic philosophy
Believed in unlimited human potential
Portrayed an imitation of nature Lived 1401-1428 Painted frescos Was the first master artist of the early renaissance More realistic style
Baltazar Castiglione
Wrote “The Book of the Courtier” about his idea of well rounded etiquette
Florentine political scientist
Wrote “The Prince” with a very rational and practical approach to politics
Jan Van Eyck
1390-1441 Painted on alters First to use oil paint Fine detailed artist Immitates nature No perspective
Albrecht Durer
Lived 1471-1528
Affected by Italians
Mixed northern and Italian art
Designed Tempietto & St. Peters
Lived 1444-1514
Captured essence of high renaissance art
Painted School of Athens
Painted numerous madonnas
Balance, harmony, and order with details of Greece and Rome
Sculpted the first bronze David (controversial)
Lived 1386-1466
Studied antiquity
Lorenzo Valla
1407-1457 (humanist)
Proved that the “donation of constantine” was actually forgery