Chapter 16 (part 2) Flashcards
a behaviour therapy used to reduce phobic clients’ anxiety responses through
Systematic desensitization
Systematic desensitization involves three steps.
- the therapist helps the client build an anxiety hierarchy.
- training the client in deep
muscle relaxation. - the client tries to work through the hierarchy, learning to remain relaxed while imagining each stimulus.
clients are confronted with situations they fear so they
learn that these situations are really harmless.
exposure therapies
a behaviour therapy in which an aversive stimulus is paired with a stimulus
that elicits an undesirable response.
Aversion therapy
a behaviour therapy
designed to improve interpersonal skills that
emphasizes modelling, behavioural rehearsal, and shaping.
Social skills training
uses specific strategies to correct habitual thinking errors that underlie various types of disorders.
Cognitive therapy
use varied combinations of verbal interventions and behaviour modification techniques to help clients change maladaptive patterns of thinking
Cognitive-behavioural treatments
Classical Conditioning Techniques of BEHAVIOURAL tHERAPY?
Systematic Desensitization, Flooding, Aversive Conditioning
Exposing person to the anxiety-provoking stimuli – to an excessive degree, without allowing them to escape
Operant Conditioning Techniques of Behavioural Therapy
Behaviour Modification, Token Economy
Replacing maladaptive responses with adaptive responses
Behaviour Modification
Behaviours (positive & negative) are reinforced by using tokens (money) that can later be exchanged for rewards
Token Economy
Clients are shown how to dispute their dysfunctional beliefs by the therapist directly challenging the beliefs. (abc)
Rational-Emotive Therapy
Through an open-ended dialogue with the therapist people learn to challenge the accuracy of their own automatic thoughts and emotional reactions
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
A pessimistic/negative view of the self, the world, and the future
Negative Cognitive Triad
active questioning to challenge clients to become aware of feelings and face problems
Gestalt Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
Carl Rogers - Client Centered Therapy and Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy