Chapter 16- Establishing Class Limits Flashcards
Which activity area does this apply in:
Handle pets with care.
Which activity area does this apply in:
Keep materials inside the table.
Sensory play
Which activity area does this apply in:
Work only with your own materials.
Which activity area does this apply in:
Return toys to the shelf after use.
Small manipulative
Which activity area does this apply in:
Turn one page at a time.
Language arts
Which activity area does this apply in:
Wash hands before beginning the activities.
Effective limits explain what is…
…important and expected behavior at the center.
All classrooms need:
Adults working in the classroom need to..
…understand the limits.
Limits should be:
Limits should be written in a language…
…the children understand.
On a regular basis, limits need to be…
….re-examined by all the staff.
Undesirable behavior should be…
…immediately stopped.
Children best understand limits that are…
…consistently maintained.
It is usual for children to test…
….well established limits.
Children feel freer to explore when…
…they know their teacher will stop them if necessary.
Limits should state acceptable behavior, rather than…
….unacceptable behavior.
Limits help children develop:
Self control
Limits help protect:
The health and safety of the children
One of the centers goals should be to develop…
…socially responsible behavior in young children.
If children do not follow limits, they…
…should not be able to remain in the area.
after using toys, the children should..
…return them to the shelf.
Swings require:
Constant supervision
On the slide, children should stay a(n) ______ length behind the child in front of them. (Fill in the blank)
Limits should be stated in terms of the behavior…
…you want.
Jungle gyms need to be:
With seesaws, you need a limit that children…
…should tell their partner before getting off.
The dramatic play area can also be called the:
Housekeeping area
Dramatic play allows children to…
…work out their own feelings.
In the block building area…
…supervision is required.
By participating in music activities, children can develop:
Language skills
Children shouldn’t be told what to do in the:
Art area
Children can learn about other cultures in the:
Book area
Limits shod focus on..
…actions and behaviors that reflect center goals.
Effective limits are…
…stated in terms of expected behavior.
Undesired behavior should be:
A child’s anger may be projected by:
Resisting limits.
For individual children, limits should be:
Depending on the materials used in sensory play, limits may..
…change somewhat.
Limits in the small manipulative area are:
During cooking experiences, the teacher should…
…remain in the cooking activity area.
In the art area, children artwork..
…should not be compared.
Limits for swings include…
…only teachers push children.
Which should not be a limit of the cooking area?
Children may taste products while cooking.
What isn’t in the small manipulative area?
What are 3 reasons for establishing classroom limits?
1.) protecting children’s safety
2.) children having the ability to explore while knowing the teacher will stop if they go to far
3.) they will help children develop self control
What are three examples of guidelines for setting limits for children?
1.) have a few well established limits
2.) state limits in terms of positive behavior expected
3.) give specific reasons for each limit
Why do limits need to be enforced consistently?
Consistency helps children know what is expected of them. They would otherwise not understand the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.