Chapter 13 Flashcards
Chronic inflammation disorder of the airways:
Infection of the gastrointestinal tract:
Food borne illness
Injury to the tissue directly under the skin surface
Closed wound
Break in the skin:
Open wound
Scrape that damages a portion of the skin:
Diseases caused by a viral infection of the nervous system and brain; often spread by infected animals:
Disease that is contagious and spreads easily from person to person:
Communicable disease
Condition in which a person has periodic seizures:
Virus that breaks down the body’s immune system:
An injury caused by heat, radiation, or chemical agents:
Small insects that live on peoples hair and scalp:
Head lice
Stage licensing rules and regulations give __________ rules for protecting children’s health. (Fill in the blank)
If a child appears sick, always wait until….
…..any symptoms the American Academy of Pediatrics outline is evident before calling the parents.
Young children and pregnant women are ______ ________ than other people to have a reaction to food borne illness. (Fill in the blanks)
More likely
If the temperature is below _____ degrees Fahrenheit, the bacteria will remain inactive. (Fill in the blank)
Rabies is transmitted through the…
…saliva of a rabid animal.
When a child’s skin has been broken by a human bite,…
…consult a doctor.
To control bleeding, you should…
…compress the blood vessels against a bone or muscle.
______ ____ seizures consist of a few brief muscle twitches and a sense of confusion. (Fill in the blank)
Petite Mal
The safest temperature for storing foods is _______ 40 degrees Fahrenheit and _______ 140 degrees Fahrenheit. (Fill in the blank)
__________ __________ affects insulin requirements for the diabetic child. (Fill in the blanks)
Physical activity
When napping children can not…
…share the same bed.
After a child has vomited, you should only give them…
…sips of water.
It is not uncommon for a burn victim to have…
…more than one type (degree) of burn.
The most severe type of burn is a ______ degree burn. (Fill in the blank)
The primary purpose of health policies is to…
…protect young children.
Children should be kept home when their oral temperature exceeds…
…101 degrees Fahrenheit.
The daily health inspection is usually conducted by the…
A symptoms of illness includes:
Sore throat
Chicken pox, influenza, and measles are all examples of:
Communicable diseases
Allergies are not…
…an example of a communicable disease.
Serving temperature for food should be below ____ degrees Fahrenheit and above ____ degrees Fahrenheit.
Below 40
Above 140
The least severe type of burn is:
The time between exposure to the sun and development of a sunburn is usually:
3-12 hours
The best way for a child to get rid of a windpipe blockage is to…
…cough it up.
To provide emergency treatment for a knocked-out tooth, first..
…find the tooth.
The least safe type of thermometer is the…
…mercury thermometer.
The best way to get rid of head lice is to….
….seek medical help.
HIV can be acquired through…
…blood of an infected person.
Children should be kept home for ____ hours following a fever. (Fill in the blank)
A condition in which a person has periodic seizures is:
Which is not caused by bacteria or virus?
Puncture wound:
Only causes light bleeding, making the wound more susceptible to infection.
The severity of food borne illness…
…depends on the persons age and state of health.