Chapter 1- Working With Young Children Flashcards
Emotional Development
Refers to the expression of feelings and involves self knowledge.
Physical Development
Includes sensory awareness, coordination, and stamina.
Cognitive development
Involves acquiring information, problem-solving, and is enriched hands on activities.
Social development
Includes adapting to the expectations of the center and involves interacting with others.
Early childhood
The period of life from birth to nine years of age
Pre-kindergarten (pre-K)
Full range of early childhood programs including school-based programs for 3 to 5 year olds.
Sometimes referred to preschool/junior kindergarten.
the goal is to enable every student with skills to succeed in school.
Child care worker who usually provides care in a child’s home and may receive food and housing in addition to wages.
Person from a foreign country who lives with a family and provides childcare and exchange for food board and transportation.
Responsible for aspects of class functioning these include, planning curriculum maintaining a safe and stimulating environment and teaching children.
Family child care home
Childcare that is provided in the caregivers own home.
And, depending upon the state the home may be licensed or exempt from licensing.
Licensing specialists
Person employed by a state to protect + promote the health, safety, and welfare of children attending center: sometimes called regulators.
CDA Credidential
National credential that requires post secondary courses in childcare education, and a minimum of 490 hours of childcare experience.
to be eligible for this credit the person must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma.
people have a CDA demonstrated their credibility to work with young children.
Developmentally appropriate practice
A framework or approach to working with young children that is based on knowledge how children learn and develop at different ages and stages.
Cultural diversity
The presence of multiple different cultures and ethnicities.
A person who creates and runs his or her own Business
A guiding set of moral principles either those held personally, or those determined by a professional organization for its members.
Professional development
Ongoing process through which people update their knowledge and skills related to their professional life.
National Association for the education of young children
Social and economic changes
Will continue to create a need for more childcare services
The traditional family
Now accounts for a small percentage of the population
Studies confirm
The long-term benefits of early childhood programs
Many working woman
Do not have the option of a spouse caring for the child
A family care home provide child care for children in the
Owners home
Entrepreneurs usually work for
The materials the teachers provide in the classroom
Have a strong effect on children’s learning
Most preschool teachers
Have unlimited contact with parents
Early childhood professionals should not be guided by only
Their own personal ideas about ethics
The number of young children with working parents is
Social development involves
Interacting with others
Sick childcare provides
Short term health care for sick children of working parents in the child’s own home
In the next decade under five population
Is expected to rise modestly
Social development includes
The ability to follow rules established by the center
A teacher needs to relate
To children and adults
Developmentally appropriate practice refers to a
Set of guidelines that focuses on outcomes of learning activities
Currently compared to the past women are
Working an increasing numbers
The need for early childhood teachers is expected to
Increase in the future years
Tangible payoffs for companies providing childcare include
Increase worker productivity
Child care center directors generally need at least a
Bachelors degree
When a curriculum is developmentally appropriate it
Emphasizes all areas of development
An effective learning environment encourages children to:
Experiment explore and manipulate
A trait of a successful teacher is
Having confidence in their own abilities
The most important trait of an early childhood teacher is definitely
Fondness for children
What is the most influential early childhood professional organization and its policy statement that outlines ethical standards for its profession?
The national Association for the education of young children has the code of ethical conduct.
Why is it necessary for child care workers to have a thorough understanding of child growth and development?
They need to design an environmentally appropriate education experience, understand behavior, notice differences in behavior, and teach children to get along with others.
Americans with disabilities act